Branches of the Coleman family

Phonetic search
Myrl Jean Wilks (1916–2016) William Nelson Hitt (1857–1915) Sheron Kuhn McLean (1940–1980) Joe Garrett McLean (1899–1980) Eunice Nicy Carlton (1829–1889) Mary Martha Jane Moore (1827–1883) Johnnie Mae Phillips (1904–1975) Robert C. McLean (1845–1847) Valgene Aaron McLean (1940–2008) Aubry LaVaughn Perry (1918–1975) Milton Monroe McLean (1887–1971) Sarah Jane McLean (1818–1868) John McLean (1837–) Sarah Jane Hill (1827–1892) William Thomas Knight (1859–1903) Sir Lachlan Mor (magnus) MacLean (1554–1598) Ethel Delores Nolen (1912–1962) French Augustus Osborne (1894–1951) William Alfred Ross (1878–1960) Reta Vird Wilks (1911–1994) Aubry LaVaughn Perry (1918–1975) Robert Rogers McLean (1882–1952) Sheron Kuhn McLean (1940–1980) Maggie Newman (1900–1903) Marshall Monroe McLean (1839–1905) Mote Bourne Kanatzar (1866–1917) Sheron Kuhn McLean (1940–1980) Sheron Kuhn McLean (1940–1980) Ulysses Samuel Newman (1873–1921) Amanda Calvert (1848–1928) Cressie Wilks (1908–2006) William Tarlton Taylor (1875–1941) Mildred Lee Aguaire (1911–1998) Emma Walter (1875–1956) Rice O. McLean (1841–) Barney Hitt (1894–1932) Ferdinando San Francisco Taylor (1851–1936) Jasper Lee Kanatzar (1872–1945) John Casbeer (1806–1877) John Wilks Sr (1734–1806) William McLean (1773–1814) William Weldon Wilks (1915–1983)