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David A Cole (1845–1924) Charles William Wilks (1947–1970) Gwyn Voy Wilks (1920–2010) Willie Earl Newman Sr (1926–1993) Edgar B. Hitt (1864–1913) James Berl Palmer (1927–1982) Thomas Jefferson Hitt (1830–1891) Narcissus Jane Craig (1847–1934) French Augustus Osborne (1894–1951) Mary Martha Jane Moore (1827–1883) Margaret McLean (1763–1837) Charles George McLean (1771–1825) Mazie Emily Nipper (1865–1954) Alney Hurt McLean (1815–1892) Ashford Jackson Hendren (1857–1945) Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia: Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County, 1745-1800 Mamie Lee Davidson (1888–1888) John Wesley Newman (1864–1951) Emely Elizabeth Herren (1843–1918) Lucy Ann Heathman (1857–1920) William W. Corner (1884–1920) Mattie Brank McLean (1857–1858) Edmund S. Goen (1861–1921) Howard Reed Tippie (1901–1960) Thomas Jefferson Townsend (1782–1851) Martha Frances Daugherty (1850–1918) Samuel Phillips McLean [Sr] (1823–1909) John Casbeer (1806–1877) Jane McLean (1769–1847) William B. McLean (1802–1889) Rice O. McLean (1841–) Jane … (1827–1897) French Augustus Osborne (1894–1951) Violet M. Hultquist (1912–2001) Diannah Perkins (1816–1904) Aubry LaVaughn Perry (1918–1975) Osmer Ervin McLean (1886–1968) William Giles Herring (1830–1911) Ethel Delores Nolen (1912–1962) Ida Phillips (1872–1961) William Oscar Goodloe (1821–1903) Frederick A. Hill (1888–1975) Mary Louisa Renfro (1867–1949) Garland Lewis Corner (1902–1954) Kenneth Leon Corner (1925–1943)