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1850 Census for Ellis County, Texas, USA Arthur Amos Perry (1894–1981) Rosa Jewel Taylor (1891–1969) Lossie Myrtle Perry (1889–1983) Martha Ellen Sutton (1877–1962) Myrtle A. Newman (1895–1896) James Vance McLean (1854–1944) Mary Talula Kirkley (1866–1946) Albert T. Newman (1862–1936) Amos Wilks Jr (1814–1871) George Henderson Goodsir III (1945–1962) Evan Ellsworth Osborne (1889–1948) Norton Lindsey McLean (1903–1980) Albert Irvin (1895–1956) Ethel A. Reneker (1865–) John Bailey Newman (1878–1969) William Tarlton Taylor (1875–1941) Ida Lora McLean (1851–1905) William Alfred Ross (1878–1960) William R. Newman (1885–1918) Jasper Lee Kanatzar (1872–1945) William Wesley Wilks (1884–1946) Alpha Olevia Moore (1903–1996) Dale Taylor Wilks + Loma Irene Smith Narcissus Jane Craig (1847–1934) Rice O. McLean (1841–) Thomas Jefferson Townsend (1782–1851) Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia: Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County, 1745-1800 John McLean (1837–) Perry Alonzo McLean (1911–1999) Ethel May Newman (1886–1918) Cordie Exie Meek (1905–2001) Minnie Bell Wilks (1893–1978) Robert Ewing (1763–1832) Martin T. McLean Sr (1895–1992) Florence Wilks (1910–1993) William Garrett Newman (1897–1922) William Weldon Wilks (1915–1983) Mary Elizabeth Wilks (1850–1922) Lester V. Taylor (1906–1979)