Joseph Henry Fleming, 18951979 (aged 83 years)

Joseph Henry /Fleming/
Given names
Joseph Henry
Citation details: Memorial# 54796374. Added 11 Jul 2010 by Michael Moore.
British Queen
from June 20, 1837 to January 22, 1901
25th President of the United States
William McKinley
March 4, 1897
British King
Edward VII
from January 22, 1901 to May 6, 1910
26th President of the United States
Theodore Roosevelt
September 14, 1901
27th President of the United States
William Howard Taft
March 4, 1909
28th President of the United States
Woodrow Wilson
March 4, 1913
Marriage license
Quality of data: page image
Citation details: Book 12, page 266
Note: Joe Fleming of Bee Branch, Van Buren County, Arkansas, USA and Ola Wilks of Damascus, Van Buren County, Arkansas, USA
Citation details: Book 12, page 266
Note: Bond for Marriage by Joe Fleming, principal and L.R. Scott as surety. Certificate of Marriage: J. W. Hutchins, Justice of Peace, solemnized the marriage on 5 Sept 1920. Certificate of Record by Walter Nerdham, Clerk, recorded on 1st day of October 1920 on page 266 and in Book 12 of Marriage Records
29th President of the United States
Warren G Harding
March 4, 1921
30th President of the United States
Calvin Coolidge
August 2, 1923
31st President of the United States
Herbert Hoover
March 4, 1929
Family census
Address: Enumeration District: 4, Bradley, Van Buren County, Arkansas, USA
Citation details: Sheet 1A, T626, Roll 97
Note: in family 6 as Joseph H. Fleming, Head, Male, Age: 34, Married, White, AR TN AR; Ola, Wife, Female, Age: 32, Married, White, AR AR AR; Gerretta, Daughter, Age: 6, Single, White, AR AR AR; Magdalene, Daughter, Female, Age: 2, Single, White, AR AR AR, Reba J., Daughter, Female, Age: 2, Single, White, AR AR AR.
British King
George V
from May 6, 1910 to January 20, 1936
32nd President of the United States
Franklin D Roosevelt
March 4, 1933
British King
Edward VII
from January 20, 1936 to December 11, 1936
Family census
Address: Bradley, Van Buren County, Arkansas, USA
Citation details: Sheet 9A

Supervisor's District: 3
Enumeration District: 71-4
Enumerator: Weldon Parish

Quality of data: census image
Note: hh 140, Home: owned, $1500 as Joe Fleming, Head, Male, White, Age: 44, Married; Schooling: 6th, AR, Work Wk: 40 hr, Laborer, Farmer, Work Private, 40 weeks, Additional wages: $200, Farm# 111; Ola, Wife, Female, White, Married, Schooling: 4th grade, AR; Jerritta, Daughter, Female, White, Age: 16, Single, Attended school: H3, Ar, Student; Maggelene, Daughter, Female, White, Age: 12, Single, Attended school: 6th, AR; Reba Joe, Daughter, Female, White, Age: 10, Single, Attended school: 5th, AR; La Don, Daughter, Female, White, Age: 6, Single, Attended school: 1st, AR.
British King
33rd President of the United States
Harry S Truman
April 12, 1945
British Queen
Elizabeth II
from February 6, 1952
34th President of the United States
Dwight D Eisenhower
January 20, 1953
35th President of the United States
John F Kennedy
January 20, 1961
36th President of the United States
Lyndon B Johnson
November 22, 1963
37th President of the United States
Richard Nixon
January 20, 1969
38th President of the United States
Gerald Ford
August 9, 1974
39th President of the United States
Jimmy Carter
January 20, 1977
Citation details: Memorial# 54796374. Added 11 Jul 2010 by Michael Moore.
Cemetery: Bee Branch Cemetery
Address: Gravel Hill, Van Buren County, Arkansas, USA. GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 35.44690, Longitude: -92.39280
Citation details: Memorial# 54796374. Added 11 Jul 2010 by Michael Moore.
Note: double tombstone inscription: Joseph H.; Oct 14, 1895; Sept. 4, 1979; Married: Sept 5, 1920; Ola ; Aug. 7, 1898; Mar. 31, 1983; FLEMING; military tombstone inscription: Joseph Henry Fleming; US Army; World War I; Oct 14, 1895 – Sep. 4, 1979.
Family with Ola Wilks
Birth: October 14, 1895Arkansas, USA
Death: September 4, 1979Arkansas, USA
Birth: August 8, 1898 22 25 Center Ridge, Conway, Arkansas, USA
Death: March 31, 1983Van Buren, Arkansas, USA
Marriage MarriageSeptember 5, 1920Van Buren, Arkansas, USA
Citation details: Memorial# 54796374. Added 11 Jul 2010 by Michael Moore.
Marriage license
Quality of data: page image
Citation details: Book 12, page 266
Citation details: Book 12, page 266
Family census
Citation details: Sheet 1A, T626, Roll 97
Family census
Citation details: Sheet 9A

Supervisor's District: 3
Enumeration District: 71-4
Enumerator: Weldon Parish

Quality of data: census image
Citation details: Memorial# 54796374. Added 11 Jul 2010 by Michael Moore.
Citation details: Memorial# 54796374. Added 11 Jul 2010 by Michael Moore.
Citation details: Memorial# 54796374. Added 11 Jul 2010 by Michael Moore.
Marriage license

Joe Fleming of Bee Branch, Van Buren County, Arkansas, USA and Ola Wilks of Damascus, Van Buren County, Arkansas, USA


Bond for Marriage by Joe Fleming, principal and L.R. Scott as surety. Certificate of Marriage: J. W. Hutchins, Justice of Peace, solemnized the marriage on 5 Sept 1920. Certificate of Record by Walter Nerdham, Clerk, recorded on 1st day of October 1920 on page 266 and in Book 12 of Marriage Records

Family census

in family 6 as Joseph H. Fleming, Head, Male, Age: 34, Married, White, AR TN AR; Ola, Wife, Female, Age: 32, Married, White, AR AR AR; Gerretta, Daughter, Age: 6, Single, White, AR AR AR; Magdalene, Daughter, Female, Age: 2, Single, White, AR AR AR, Reba J., Daughter, Female, Age: 2, Single, White, AR AR AR.

Family census

hh 140, Home: owned, $1500 as Joe Fleming, Head, Male, White, Age: 44, Married; Schooling: 6th, AR, Work Wk: 40 hr, Laborer, Farmer, Work Private, 40 weeks, Additional wages: $200, Farm# 111; Ola, Wife, Female, White, Married, Schooling: 4th grade, AR; Jerritta, Daughter, Female, White, Age: 16, Single, Attended school: H3, Ar, Student; Maggelene, Daughter, Female, White, Age: 12, Single, Attended school: 6th, AR; Reba Joe, Daughter, Female, White, Age: 10, Single, Attended school: 5th, AR; La Don, Daughter, Female, White, Age: 6, Single, Attended school: 1st, AR.


double tombstone inscription: Joseph H.; Oct 14, 1895; Sept. 4, 1979; Married: Sept 5, 1920; Ola ; Aug. 7, 1898; Mar. 31, 1983; FLEMING; military tombstone inscription: Joseph Henry Fleming; US Army; World War I; Oct 14, 1895 – Sep. 4, 1979.


father: Hiram Franklin Flemings 1864-1955; mother Mary Lenera Rogers 1869-1944

Citation details: Memorial# 54796374. Added 11 Jul 2010 by Michael Moore.
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