Individuals — Gregston

Given names Surname Patriarch Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Allie Beatrice Gregston
Allie Beatrice Hitt
February 6, 1902
123 Trousdale, Pottawatomie, Oklahoma, USA
2 April 12, 1981
43 79 Shawnee, Pottawatomie, Oklahoma, USA
Friday, May 27, 2011 6:57 AM
Mary Elizabeth McLean (1872–1938) James Edward Reed Jr (1845–1937) Sheron Kuhn McLean (1940–1980) Frederick A. Hill (1888–1975) Alney Hurt McLean (1815–1892) Doctor Frank Osborne (1835–1920) Julia McBride (1882–1941) Virginia Catherine Hackworth (1858–1949) Julia Kate Anderson (1946–2009) 1860 Census for Grayson County, Texas, USA Ferdinando San Francisco Taylor (1851–1936) Rosa Jewel Taylor (1891–1969) Martha Frances Daugherty (1850–1918) Sarah E. Rainey (1821–1910) Barney Hitt (1894–1932) Mary Elizabeth Wilks (1850–1922) Amanda Calvert (1848–1928) Dorothy Verner (–1966) Charles William Wilks (1947–1970) Gilbert William Taylor (1913–1974) Minnie Bell Wilks (1893–1978) Ferdinando San Francisco Taylor (1851–1936) John Henry Newman (1859–1941) Thomas Turney Hitt (1863–1943) Marcus Monroe McLean (1872–1934) Jesse Wilks (1886–1918) Steven Jay Corner (1965–2010) Mima Cater (1870–1918) Howard Forrest Malone + Anna Mozella Newman Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia: Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County, 1745-1800 David Ralph Archer (1923–1983) Alonzo David McLean + Lossie Myrtle Perry Byron Adelbert Hitt (1900–1972) Sarah Priscilla Vance (1780–1847) Susie Inez Casey (1904–1992) 1860 Census for Grayson County, Texas, USA Francis Wilks (1759–1840) Levi Ashley Hitt (1864–1927) Infant Son Wilks (1871–1871) Sarah Jane McLean (1829–1904) James Tandy Osborne (1862–1891) Horace Wooten Busby (1884–1965) Thomas Noble Reed (1883–1967)