
Individuals — Hazelbaker

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Ollie E. McLean (1892–1893) Elizabeth Virginia Wilks (1875–1951) John Wesley Newman (1864–1951) Erie Catharine Taylor (1881–1951) Martin T. McLean Sr (1895–1992) Steven Jay Corner (1965–2010) Hugh Whitesides (1735–1802) Claude Everett Corner (1894–1935) Steve L. Cantwell (1874–1940) Samuel Phillips McLean Jr (1868–1943) Mattie Brank McLean (1857–1858) Sarah Jane McLean (1818–1868) Erie Catharine Taylor (1881–1951) Aubry LaVaughn Perry (1918–1975) Rita Merle Stroud (1930–1960) Evan Ellsworth Osborne (1889–1948) Thomas Jefferson Hitt (1830–1891) Samuel Phillips McLean [Sr] (1823–1909) Frank Alexander (1834–1917) Remus Romulus Lycurgus Taylor (1855–1951) Moses N. Newman (1845–1932) Steven Jay Corner (1965–2010) William Wesley Wilks (1884–1946) Marl Vane Wilks (1909–1980) Asa Hampton Taylor (1877–1944) Sheron Kuhn McLean (1940–1980) Johna Newton Taylor (1871–1945) Etta May Hitt (1892–1993) Sarah Jane Hill (1827–1892) Ethel A. Reneker (1865–) Byron Adelbert Hitt (1900–1972) William Garrett Newman (1849–1915) John Casbeer (1806–1877) John Gibbs Raines (1847–1939) Nancy Campbell McLean (1848–1871) Bird Smith Creasy (1814–1860) Robert Rogers McLean (1882–1952) Marshall Monroe McLean (1839–1905) Dr. Samuel Stanley Wilks (1906–1964) Charles Richard LaBounty (1948–1971) William Tarlton Taylor (1875–1941) Jane McLean (1769–1847) Samuel McLean (1775–1850) Joseph Addison Stinson (1818–1867) Los Charlie Ross + Reta Vird Wilks Thomas Jefferson Townsend (1782–1851) Lessie Frances Newman (1888–1969)