1840 Census for Lawrence County, Tennessee, USA

1840 Census for Lawrence County, Tennessee, USA
1840 Census Lawrence Co., TN
sixth census of the United States, 1840, Tennessee [micoform] (1967) United States, National Archives & Records Service, Reel 531-1840, Tennessee Federal Population Census Schedules, Washington, [D.C.] National Archives & Records Services Administration
Last change
March 14, 201410:30:11
Author of last change: barbaracorner
Unique identifier
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
20 15 200 13 Thursday, March 13, 2014 11:17 AM
Media objects
Media Title Individuals Families Sources Last change
Title Individuals Families Media objects Sources Last change
Erie Catharine Taylor (1881–1951) Thomas Jefferson Hitt (1830–1891) William Wesley Wilks + Erie Catharine Taylor Willie Otto Newman (1902–1985) Joseph William McLean (1851–1940) Steven Jay Corner (1965–2010) Dale Taylor Wilks + Loma Irene Smith Benjamin Carroll Wilks (1827–1919) Francis H. Corner (1853–1911) Blake Charles McLean (1915–1994) Earnest Lee McLean (1907–1979) Robert Irvine McLean (1806–1837) Nicholas A. Adams (1870–1920) Florence Wilks (1910–1993) Samuel Phillips McLean Jr (1868–1943) Sheron Kuhn McLean (1940–1980) John William Kanatzar (1860–1955) Evan Ellsworth Osborne (1889–1948) Perry Alonzo McLean (1911–1999) Charles A. Baird (1840–1873) Gideon Blackburn McLean (1843–1859) Florence Elizabeth McLean (1846–1901) Ann Elizabeth Kanatzar (1863–1921) Francis Wilks (1759–1840) Joe Garrett McLean (1899–1980) Anna Mozella Newman (1918–1991) Alisonia McLean (1851–1853) Jaretta Ann Lowry (1852–1919) John Lane McLean (1846–1924) Sheron Kuhn McLean (1940–1980) Sarah Wilks (1798–1885) Mary Jane Taylor (1838–1912) Robert Neal Quisenberry (1889–1976) Alonzo David McLean (1881–1973) Robert C. McLean (1845–1847) Charles Grandison McLean (1808–1853) Sarah Jane McLean (1829–1904) Kirby Kimmel Wilks (1922–2012) Infant Son Wilks (1871–1871) Ida Lora McLean (1851–1905) Harvey Allen McLean (1892–1952) Mamie Lee Davidson (1888–1888) Karl Douglas Wilks (1942–1972) Mima Cater (1870–1918)