
Tarlton Jones Taylor (1828–1867) Johnnie Mae Phillips (1904–1975) Blake Charles McLean (1915–1994) 1860 Census for Grayson County, Texas, USA Infant Daughter R. A. Newman (1915–1915) Jessie Inez Mayben (1880–1972) Meredith Gentry McLean (1865–1942) Doctor Frank Osborne (1835–1920) Thomas Noble Reed (1883–1967) Joseph William McLean (1851–1940) Sarah E. Rainey (1821–1910) 1850 Census for Ellis County, Texas, USA George Wolfscale Mings (1806–1886) William Alfred Ross (1878–1960) Samuel Phillips McLean [Sr] (1823–1909) Reta Vird Wilks (1911–1994) Lula M. Newton (1861–1943) Emma Elizabeth Kanatzar (1833–1893) Susan Ellen Hitt (1872–) Eunice Nicy Carlton (1829–1889) Harmon Taylor Kanatzar (1838–1903) James McGrady McLean Sr (1890–1968) Erie Catharine Taylor (1881–1951) William Thomas Knight (1859–1903) Joseph Addison Stinson (1818–1867) Ashford Jackson Hendren (1857–1945) Samuel Davies McLean (1811–1879) John Wesley George Washington Nicholson (1846–1924) Earnest Lee McLean (1907–1979) Etta May Hitt (1892–1993) Steven Jay Corner (1965–2010) Ethel Herring (1895–1985) Charles Rolland McLean (1934–2015) Jane Grooms (1731–1803) Howard Forrest Malone + Anna Mozella Newman Emely Elizabeth Herren (1843–1918) William Garrett Newman (1897–1922) Reta Vird Wilks (1911–1994) Aubry LaVaughn Perry (1918–1975) Benjamin Carroll Wilks (1827–1919) Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia: Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County, 1745-1800 William Miller McLean (1811–1890) Bird Smith Creasy (1814–1860) Evan Ellsworth Osborne (1889–1948)