Russell Walter Wilks + Molly Elizabeth Ferguson

3 children
Birth: about 1925 24 20 Ohio, USA
Birth: about 1927 26 22 Ohio, USA
Birth: July 6, 1933 33 28 Chesapeake, Lawrence, Ohio, USA
Death: October 22, 1986Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, USA
Birth: June 27, 1900 38 28 Lawrence, Ohio, USA
Death: October 28, 1977Lawrence, Ohio, USA
Birth: September 21, 1861 22 21 Ohio, USA
Death: January 16, 1947Ironton, Lawrence, Ohio, USA
Birth: October 1871Ohio, USA
Death: 1951Lawrence, Ohio, USA
Birth: about 1905Chesapeake, Lawrence, Ohio, USA

Facts and events

about 1911 Husband: 24 Wife: 21
Citation details: Sheet 1A & 1B, Reel 827, Page 577 & 578
Family census
Address: Union Township, Bradrick Precinct, State Road# 7, Lawrence County, Ohio, USA
Citation details: Sheet 1A & 1B, Reel 827, Page 577 & 578

Supervisor’s District: 27
Enumeration District: 44-17
Enumerator: Harlow B. Collins

Quality of data: census image
Note: in hh 12-13 as Russell Wilks, Head, Home: owner $3000, Male, White, Age: 29, Married at 23, OH OH OH, Car builder, Railroad Shop, Wages; Molly, Wife, Female, White, Age: 25, Married at 19, WV, OH OH, None; Juanita, Daughter, Female, White, Age: 5, Single, OH OH WV, None; Devern, Son, Male, White, Age: 3 5/12, Single, OH OH WV, None
Family census
Address: Union Township, Lawrence County, Ohio, USA
Citation details: page 496, Sheet 4A

Supervisor’s District: 10
Enumeration District: 44-36
Enumerator: Norris V. Singer

Quality of data: census image
Note: in hh 66, Home: owner $900, Russell Wilkes, Head, Male, White, Age: 39, Married, Schooling: 5th grade, OH, 40 hrs, Rivet Bucker, Steel Car Shop, Private work, 26 wks, $365; Mollie, Wife, Female, White, Age: 35, Married, Schooling: 7th grade, OH, Housework; Juanita, Daughter, Female, White, Age: 15, Single, Attended school: h-1, OH, Student; Devern Son, Male, White, Age: 13, Single, Attended school: 7th grade, OH; Dicky Ray, Son, Male, White, Age: 5, Single, Attended school: 0 grade, OH. All individuals residence 1 Apr 1935 in the same house
Unique identifier
Last change
September 25, 201313:52:20
Author of last change: barbaracorner
Dr. Samuel Stanley Wilks (1906–1964) Loma Irene Smith (1915–2003) 1860 Census Collection for Owen County, Kentucky, USA Nolan Franklin Ellett (1903–1984) Emely Elizabeth Herren (1843–1918) Marshall Monroe McLean (1839–1905) James Vance McLean (1854–1944) Levi Ashley Hitt (1864–1927) Elizabeth Caroline Wasson (1812–1882) Dr. Asa Porter Taylor (1856–1921) Erie Catharine Taylor (1881–1951) Evan Ellsworth Osborne (1889–1948) Julia Kate Anderson (1946–2009) Minnie Ethel Hitt (1884–1968) John Alfred Ross (1841–1917) Ashford Jackson Hendren (1857–1945) Amanda Elizabeth Taylor (1868–1951) Gwyn Voy Wilks (1920–2010) Mildred Lee Aguaire (1911–1998) Indiana Mildred Woodford (1859–1912) 1850 Census for Ellis County, Texas, USA Mazie Emily Nipper (1865–1954) Robert Ewing (1763–1832) Benjamin Carroll Wilks (1827–1919) Susan Ellen Hitt (1872–) John Lane McLean (1846–1924) Earnest Lee McLean (1907–1979) Myrl Jean Wilks (1916–2016) David N. Goen (1844–1886) Jasper Lee Kanatzar (1872–1945) Alney Davidson McLean (1853–1854) Karl Glyn Wilks (1906–1991) 1870 Census for Owen County, Kentucky, USA Howard Forrest Malone + Anna Mozella Newman Jane Grooms (1731–1803) Levia Taylor (1879–1970) Marl Vane Wilks (1909–1980) Charles Jenkins Taylor (1894–1971) Ruth Jane Osborne (1897–1902) Blake Charles McLean (1915–1994) Cressie Wilks (1908–2006) Steven Jay Corner (1965–2010) Theodore F. Gross (1862–) Amos Wilks Jr (1814–1871)