David Nelson Stephens, 18231900 (aged 77 years)

David Nelson /Stephens/
Given names
David Nelson
Note: perhaps in Carr Township, his father ran a store, per descendant Thana Mitchell, Aug 2004
6th President of the United States
John Quincy Adams
March 4, 1825
Birth of a sister
Citation details: p. 50
Citation details: Twp. 7 North, Range 6 East, Sect. 23, 40 acres, 21 May 1834, p. 25
Note: a younger sister of Arrena Stephens (Stevens) , according to Erie Catharine Taylor Wilks, or an orphan born Vermont according to cousin Arrie Taylor Gatewood abt 1950, the name of their father is unproven. James Stephens was the earliest landowner by that name in Jackson County, Indiana, 1834
British King
George IV
from January 29, 1820 to June 26, 1830
7th President of the United States
Andrew Jackson
March 4, 1829
British King
William IV
from June 26, 1830 to June 20, 1837
8th President of the United States
Martin Van Buren
March 4, 1837
Marriage of a sister
Citation details: pp. 49-50
Citation details: Book A-B, p. 190
Note: license issued 5 June, performed 7 June by Jesse Hughes, minister.

license issued 5 June, performed 7 June by Jesse Hughes, minister.
Their granddaughter Erie Catharine Taylor Wilks, daughter of Elizabeth Goen and Arrena Stephens, wrote abt 1950, "Arrena (Stephens) Goen was of Scotch and French descent. Her father was born in Connecticut and raised near Toronto, Canada. He was called a French Canadian. He never seemed to speak English plainly, but always with a brogue to his speech . . ."
Speaking of her grandfather Goen, she wrote: " . . . he had a favorite sister older than himself and her father was mean to her [this was in Tennessee]. He felt sorry for her, her so beautiful and humble. So one day he learned that one of their friends was loaded ready to move to Indiana. He asked them if his sister could go along with them. They told him if he would wait til they got out of the neighborhood that they would wait at a certain place for them to catch up with them and take her along. He saddled his horse that night, and took his sister up behind him and rode all night to catch them. He left his sister with them and got back home before his father missed them.
"Several years after that, desiring to see his sister, he went afoot to visit her. It took him many days to make the trip on foot from Tennessee to Indiana. After arriving there, though, he stayed several weeks, then walked back home. Butwhile there he met and fell in love with Miss Arrena Stephens. When he returned home one of Miss Arrena's brothers went with him to see Tennessee. [Grandpa] could not forget the lovely girl that he had met in Indiana so he decided to return for a visit with her. So he and her brother, Dave Stephens, walked back up there to see her, making the third time he had walked from Tennessee to Indiana.
"One night while they lay sleeping the stars began to fall. It scared them, but watching they did not know what to do or what to think. They thought maybe the world was coming to an end, but after the stars fell for a while they stopped sothey lay down and slept again. Everything seemed the same next morning and when night came again there were as many stars as ever.
"Again after he had been up in Indiana a few weeks, Lish decided he would go home again, but he wanted to see the beautiful girl before going away. He went to town and bought a large white silk handkerchief as a parting gift to the lovely girl. But after he got to her house and talked a while he decided he could not live without her. So he asked her to marry him. She accepted and in a few weeks they were married.
"He went a few miles from her home, and bought a tract of land, and started improving it. He first cut logs and built a lean-to, which is a house long and narrow with the roof sloping one way, and the front side is open. They hung curtainsover the front to keep out the cold and rain. It faced the south. They had a fireplace in one end. His wife made a lot of fine linen towels, sheets, and pillow cases, and table cloths, and some counterpanes or coverlets as they were called. They had two beds up in their lean-to. They lived very happily there for a year or two, then they built a two-story log house. They lived on the north bank of the Ohio River, carried water from a spring on the first bank. The house was on the second bank. They lived between Evansville and Owensville, and when that railroad was built along there Grandpa boarded the railroad hands. He and his boys worked on it. About the yar 1855 he sold out, loaded his wagons, and came to Texas. He settled in Grayson County."

9th President of the United States
William Henry Harrison
March 4, 1841
10th President of the United States
John Tyler
April 4, 1841
11th President of the United States
James K Polk
March 4, 1845
12th President of the United States
Zachary Taylor
March 4, 1849
Citation details: p. 171, hh 40, 41, 42
Note: as David N. Stephens 26 IN, Lydia 23 IN, Sarah E. 1 IN; between the households of sister and brother-in -law Stephen P. Goen and wife Arrena; and Stephen Spearks 75 MO, Catharine 74, Amanda 14, Jacob 12, and James Cowen 19 laborer. Three houses later was brother Edmond Stephens 28 and family
13th President of the United States
Millard Fillmore
July 9, 1850
14th President of the United States
Franklin Pierce
March 4, 1853
Death of a father
Note: unless he left the county
15th President of the United States
James Buchanan
March 4, 1857
1859 (aged 35 years)
Note: on Stephens wagon train, stayed about two years until moving to Bell County so the family could be near relatives while David went to war in the Union Army
about 1860 (aged 36 years)
16th President of the United States
Abraham Lincoln
March 4, 1861
Note: served in the Union Army; his wife and daughter Sarah Elizabeth sewed Union Army uniforms -- but how were they delivered?
17th President of the United States
Andrew Johnson
April 15, 1865
Note: lived mostly in Bell County but owned the Stevens Ranch near Evant, Texas. He was a tall man who usually sat in a tall straight chair; he had a dog named Towser and had a heavy accent but according to granddaughter, Mary Brashear. was English (?)
Note: as David Stevens 46 IN, wife Lydda 43 TX
Death of a brother
Death of a sister
Citation details: Sheet D, Page 405 Vol 1
British Queen
from June 20, 1837 to January 22, 1901
18th President of the United States
Ulysses S Grant
March 4, 1869
19th President of the United States
Rutherford B Hayes
March 4, 1877
20th President of the United States
James A Garfield
March 4, 1881
21st President of the United States
Chester A Arthur
September 19, 1881
22nd President of the United States
Grover Cleveland
March 4, 1885
23rd President of the United States
Benjamin Harrison
March 4, 1889
24th President of the United States
Grover Cleveland
March 4, 1893
25th President of the United States
William McKinley
March 4, 1897
Death of a mother
Family with parents
Birth: between 1780 and 1790 40 Connecticut, USA
Death: before 1854Jackson, Indiana, USA
Marriage Marriage
elder sister
5 years
elder brother
7 years
elder sister
2 years
elder sister
2 years
elder sister
6 years
elder sister
Birth: 1817 37 Canada
Death: before June 18, 1880
6 years
elder brother
Birth: 1822 42 Indiana, USA
Death: after 1870Bell, Texas, USA
13 months
Birth: February 6, 1823 43 Jackson, Indiana, USA
Death: December 11, 1900Brownscreek, Bell, Texas, USA
6 years
younger sister
Father’s family with Rachel Stephens
Birth: between 1780 and 1790 40 Connecticut, USA
Death: before 1854Jackson, Indiana, USA
father’s partner
6 years
Citation details: p. 171, hh 40, 41, 42

perhaps in Carr Township, his father ran a store, per descendant Thana Mitchell, Aug 2004


as David N. Stephens 26 IN, Lydia 23 IN, Sarah E. 1 IN; between the households of sister and brother-in -law Stephen P. Goen and wife Arrena; and Stephen Spearks 75 MO, Catharine 74, Amanda 14, Jacob 12, and James Cowen 19 laborer. Three houses later was brother Edmond Stephens 28 and family


on Stephens wagon train, stayed about two years until moving to Bell County so the family could be near relatives while David went to war in the Union Army


served in the Union Army; his wife and daughter Sarah Elizabeth sewed Union Army uniforms -- but how were they delivered?


lived mostly in Bell County but owned the Stevens Ranch near Evant, Texas. He was a tall man who usually sat in a tall straight chair; he had a dog named Towser and had a heavy accent but according to granddaughter, Mary Brashear. was English (?)


as David Stevens 46 IN, wife Lydda 43 TX

David Ralph Archer (1923–1983) Asa Hampton Taylor (1877–1944) Mary D. … (1836–1900) Sarah Jane Hill (1827–1892) Francis Marion Quine (1849–1912) William Garrett Newman (1897–1922) Robert Ewing (1763–1832) Ferdinando San Francisco Taylor (1851–1936) Mary Talula Kirkley (1866–1946) Ephraim McLean Sr (1730–1823) Nolan Franklin Ellett (1903–1984) John Bailey Newman (1878–1969) Ronnie Elvin McLean (1964–1995) Steven Jay Corner (1965–2010) John Marshall McLean (1856–1943) Mary Etta Owens (1865–1941) Ophelia Moseley (1871–) 1860 Census Collection for Owen County, Kentucky, USA John McLean (1791–1830) Messaniah Elizabeth Busby (1849–1852) Ollie E. McLean (1892–1893) Sir Lachlan Mor (magnus) MacLean (1554–1598) Steve L. Cantwell (1874–1940) Martha Adeline McGowan [McCown] (1828–1846) Nora Christina Crocker (1908–2007) Lucy Ann Heathman (1857–1920) William Thomas Knight (1859–1903) Jesse Wilks (1886–1918) Erie Catharine Taylor (1881–1951) Rev. Ephraim McLean (1768–1813) David N. Goen (1844–1886) Sir Lachlan Mor (magnus) MacLean (1554–1598) Myrl Jean Wilks (1916–2016) Wesley Young (1823–1886) Linson Spinks Weaver + Etta May Hitt Horace Wooten Busby (1884–1965) Meredith Gentry McLean (1865–1942) Sarah Jane Newman (1852–1941) Howard Reed Tippie (1901–1960) John Casbeer (1806–1877) William Kanatzar (1804–1885) James Vance McLean (1854–1944) Steven Jay Corner (1965–2010) Marshall Monroe McLean (1839–1905)