Wanda Oneda Clevenger, 1926

Wanda Oneda /Clevenger/
Given names
Wanda Oneda
Married name
Wanda Oneda /Wilks/
British King
George V
from May 6, 1910 to January 20, 1936
31st President of the United States
Herbert Hoover
March 4, 1929
32nd President of the United States
Franklin D Roosevelt
March 4, 1933
British King
Edward VII
from January 20, 1936 to December 11, 1936
British King
33rd President of the United States
Harry S Truman
April 12, 1945
British Queen
Elizabeth II
from February 6, 1952
34th President of the United States
Dwight D Eisenhower
January 20, 1953
35th President of the United States
John F Kennedy
January 20, 1961
36th President of the United States
Lyndon B Johnson
November 22, 1963
37th President of the United States
Richard Nixon
January 20, 1969
38th President of the United States
Gerald Ford
August 9, 1974
39th President of the United States
Jimmy Carter
January 20, 1977
Death of a husband
40th President of the United States
Ronald Reagan
January 20, 1981
41st President of the United States
George H W Bush
January 20, 1989
42nd President of the United States
Bill Clinton
January 20, 1993
43rd President of the United States
George W Bush
January 20, 2001
44th President of the United States
Barack Obama
January 20, 2009
45th President of the United States
Donald Trump
January 20, 2017
46th President of the United States
Joe Biden
January 20, 2021
Family with Floyd Leslie Wilks
Birth: April 9, 1924Snyder, Kiowa, Oklahoma, USA
Death: August 11, 1979Roosevelt, Kiowa, Oklahoma, USA
Birth: April 11, 1926
Marriage MarriageJune 25, 1948Gas City, Stephens, Oklahoma, USA
James Curtis Newman (1905–1997) Dale Taylor Wilks (1914–1992) Amos Wilks Jr (1814–1871) Erie Catharine Taylor (1881–1951) Rosa Anna McLaughlin (1851–1913) Letitia Brank McLean (1861–1862) Mary Jane Taylor (1838–1912) Samuel Phillips McLean [Sr] (1823–1909) 1860 Census for Grayson County, Texas, USA Sarah Wilks (1798–1885) Joseph Addison Stinson (1818–1867) Minerva Amanda Kanatzar (1841–1907) Francis H. Corner (1853–1911) Elizabeth Irvine (1778–1846) Laquita Mona Wilks (1932–1998) Steven Jay Corner (1965–2010) Cornwell Funeral Homes Obituary - David Dale Wilks Levia Taylor (1879–1970) Sheron Kuhn McLean (1940–1980) Martha Harriet Young (1841–1911) David Ralph Archer (1923–1983) Joe Mitchell Phillips (1860–1941) Samuel Phillips McLean Jr (1868–1943) William P. Wilks (1849–1926) John McLean (1791–1830) Sarah Jane McLean (1846–1902) Eleanor Gertrude Knighton (1855–1888) Sarah Jane Hill (1827–1892) Ronnie Elvin McLean (1964–1995) Elizabeth Bailey (1842–1913) Rosa Anna McLaughlin (1851–1913) George Atlas Newman + Gladys Mae Akin Alpha Olevia Moore (1903–1996) Mazie Emily Nipper (1865–1954) Gwyn Voy Wilks (1920–2010) William Garrett Newman (1849–1915) Mildred Lee Aguaire (1911–1998) Gideon Blackburn McLean (1843–1859) Lelah L. Kanatzar (1868–1900) John Gibbs Raines (1847–1939) Forris Eldon McLean Sr (1924–1992) David Washington McLean (1909–1917) Myrl Jean Wilks (1916–2016) Charles Richard LaBounty (1948–1971) French Augustus Osborne (1894–1951) Wanda Colleen Pope (1928–2009)