Burnet City Cemetery

Burnet City Cemetery
Last change
April 13, 202106:33:29
Author of last change: admin
Unique identifier
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
91 1 4 86 Friday, May 14, 2021 7:48 PM
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
Shared places
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No events of these specific types have occurred at this place.
John Wesley George Washington Nicholson (1846–1924) Eunice Nicy Carlton (1829–1889) Asa William Howell Sr + Reta Vird Wilks Jabez Beard (1790–1854) John Alfred Ross (1841–1917) Mote Bourne Kanatzar (1866–1917) Marshall Monroe McLean (1839–1905) Amos Wilks Jr (1814–1871) Minnie Ethel Hitt (1884–1968) William B. McLean (1802–1889) Blake Charles McLean (1915–1994) Herman D. Hitt (1927–1947) 1860 Census for Grayson County, Texas, USA Bailey Newman Jr (1825–1884) 1860 Census for Grayson County, Texas, USA Elizabeth Bailey (1842–1913) Dale Taylor Wilks + Loma Irene Smith Horace Wooten Busby (1884–1965) Sarah Jane McLean (1846–1902) William Kanatzar (1804–1885) James Davidson McLean (1777–1843) Lester V. Taylor (1906–1979) Marl Vane Wilks (1909–1980) Rita Merle Stroud (1930–1960) Dorothy Verner (–1966) Joe Mitchell Phillips (1860–1941) Rice O. McLean (1841–) Ardelia Glimp Everett (1897–1962) William Giles Herring (1830–1911) Levi Ashley Hitt (1864–1927) David Washington McLean (1909–1917) Maggie Newman (1900–1903) Lucy Ann Heathman (1857–1920) Arthur Amos Perry (1894–1981) Marshall Monroe McLean (1839–1905) John Wesley Newman (1864–1951) Thomas Jefferson Townsend (1782–1851) Hattie Eugenia Orr (1906–2000) Charles Richard LaBounty (1948–1971) Harry Davis Perry (1916–1984)