
Higher-level shared place
Type of hierarchical relationship: political
Last change
April 12, 202105:26:19
Author of last change: admin
Unique identifier
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
78 0 16 62 Friday, April 30, 2010 9:48 AM
152 6 63 88 Saturday, February 20, 2010 12:38 PM
106 2 57 48 Friday, April 30, 2010 9:08 AM
105 2 75 30 Friday, April 30, 2010 9:05 AM
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
19 18 86 2 Friday, April 30, 2010 9:11 AM
20 19 84 0 Saturday, May 1, 2010 1:35 AM
Shared places
Shared place Type Place Latitude Longitude Individuals Families
Stanton, Martin, Texas, USA 2 2
Title Event data? Abbreviation Author Publication Individuals Families Media objects Shared notes Last change
No events of these specific types have occurred at this place.
Elizabeth Virginia Wilks (1875–1951) Norton Lindsey McLean (1903–1980) James Curtis Newman (1905–1997) Dorothy Verner (–1966) William Wesley Wilks (1884–1946) Juanita Mayfield (1893–1970) Philip Wilks (1874–1929) Mary Elizabeth McLean (1872–1938) Sarah Jane McLean (1846–1902) Remus Romulus Lycurgus Taylor (1855–1951) 1850 Census for Ellis County, Texas, USA Jane … (1827–1897) Julia Kate Anderson (1946–2009) 1860 Census Collection for Owen County, Kentucky, USA Mazie Emily Nipper (1865–1954) Claude Everett Corner (1894–1935) Myrtle Irene Fenter (1918–2003) Elizabeth Goen (1840–1884) Theodore F. Gross (1862–) Ronnie Elvin McLean (1964–1995) Mallie Newman (1902–1902) Hulda Jane Ater (1859–1945) Jasper Lee Kanatzar (1872–1945) William Miller McLean (1811–1890) Anna Catherine James (1821–1900) Valgene Aaron McLean (1940–2008) Ferdinando San Francisco Taylor (1851–1936) Marl Vane Wilks (1909–1980) Levi Ashley Hitt (1864–1927) Maggie Eola Lindsey (1908–1993) Ethel A. Reneker (1865–) Thomas Noble Reed (1883–1967) Joseph William McLean (1851–1940) Blake Charles McLean (1915–1994) Bonnie Evelyn Corner (1914–1943) Joe Mitchell Phillips (1860–1941) Norton Lindsey McLean (1903–1980)