John H. Dowdy + Harriett Newman

No children
Birth: 1857Bedford, Virginia, USA
Birth: 1861 30 27 Bedford, Virginia, USA
Birth: July 10, 1830 31 30 Bedford, Virginia, USA
Death: August 22, 1864Saint Mary's, Maryland, USA
Birth: June 6, 1833 38 33 Bedford, Virginia, USA
Death: May 28, 1882Bedford, Virginia, USA

Facts and events

Family census
Address: Otter
Bedford County, Virginia, USA
Citation details: Page 289 B
Note: in household of John Dowdy, Self, Married, Male, White, Age: 23, VA, Works on farm, VA VA; Hariet Dowdy, Wife, Married, Female, White, Age: 19, VA, Keeps house, VA VA; Mattie Dowdy, Daughter, Single, Female, White, Age: 8 months, VA VA VA; Julia Newman, Mother-in-law, Widowed, Female, White, Age: 45, VA VA VA; William Newman, Brother-in-law, Single, Male, White, Age: 16, VA, Works on farm, VA VA.
Unique identifier
Last change
May 6, 201020:46:22
Author of last change: barbaracorner
Joseph Addison Stinson (1818–1867) Cecil E. Corner[s] (1884–1891) Francis A. McLean (1833–1835) Laquita Mona Wilks (1932–1998) Minnie May McLean (1938–1995) John Wilks Sr (1734–1806) Samuel McLean (1775–1850) Martha Adeline McGowan [McCown] (1828–1846) William Wesley Wilks + Erie Catharine Taylor Marl Vane Wilks (1909–1980) Gideon Blackburn McLean (1843–1859) Sheron Kuhn McLean (1940–1980) Sam Gentry McLean (1895–1897) 1870 Census for Owen County, Kentucky, USA Samuel Phillips McLean Jr (1868–1943) Effie Mae Dooley (1884–1948) Benjamin F. Wilks (1849–1924) Albert Irvin (1895–1956) Lester V. Taylor (1906–1979) Susie Inez Casey (1904–1992) William Oscar Goodloe (1821–1903) Rosa Jewel Taylor (1891–1969) Lois Elsie Hitt (1913–1965) Daniel Louis Hitt (1882–1954) Jane … (1827–1897) Linson Spinks Weaver (1887–1942) Arthur Edgar Corner (1874–1909) Erie Catharine Taylor (1881–1951) Samuel Phillips McLean [Sr] (1823–1909) Francis H. Corner (1853–1911) Clara Caroline Corner (1884–1960) Minerva B. Marrs (1817–1906) Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia: Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County, 1745-1800 Jaretta Ann Lowry (1852–1919) Gwyn Voy Wilks (1920–2010) John Marrs Wilks (1835–1915) Alonzo David McLean (1881–1973) Howard Reed Tippie (1901–1960) Delia Amanda McLean (1845–1851) Martha Ellen Sutton (1877–1962) Johna Newton Taylor (1871–1945) Theodore F. Gross (1862–) Eura A. Newman (1903–1908) Rear Admiral Ridley McLean (1872–1933) Sir Lachlan Mor (magnus) MacLean (1554–1598)