John Stone, 17611841 (aged 80 years)

John /Stone/
Given names
Citation details: Part III, p. 2824
Citation details: Vol. 97, p. 194
Birth of a daughter
Note: age 55 in 1825
Birth of a son
Citation details: Part III, p. 2824
Citation details: p. 144, on as Genealogical Records: Early Tennessee Settlers, 1700s-1900s"
Note: enlisted as Pvt., served in Col. Richard Hampton's Pennsylvania Regt., was wounded in the Battle of Brandywine, taken prisoner and held ten months
about 1779 (aged 18 years)
Citation details: Part III, p. 2824
Note: discharged by Capt. W. Finney, 6th Pennsylvania Regt.
Birth of a daughter
Note: mentioned as wife of John Marrs in father's Revolutionary pension application
British King
George III
from October 25, 1760 to January 29, 1820
1st President of the United States
George Washington
April 30, 1789
2nd President of the United States
John Adams
March 4, 1797
3rd President of the United States
Thomas Jefferson
March 4, 1801
Marriage of a daughter
Birth of a granddaughter
Note: probably oldest child, listed first on father's heirs
4th President of the United States
James Madison
March 4, 1809
Birth of a grandson
Birth of a granddaughter
Birth of a granddaughter
5th President of the United States
James Monroe
March 4, 1817
Birth of a granddaughter
Citation details: Memorial# 5361243 Added 14 APR 2001 by dee
Birth of a granddaughter
Note: a minor heir in 1834
Birth of a granddaughter
Birth of a granddaughter
Marriage of a granddaughter
Text:, submitted by Pat M. Mahan

Citation details: Book 1, page 122
Note: Wilkes, Phillip to Morris, Alsey on 13 May 1824 by McKnight, Wm., JP
6th President of the United States
John Quincy Adams
March 4, 1825
Pension Application
Citation details: Page: Revolutionary Pension S.39098

applied for Revolutionary pension, "Original Claim ~ District of Alabama. Circuit Court of Lawrence County State of Alabama on the 20th of Sep 1825 personally appeared in open Court being a Court of record for the 4th circuit of the Circuit of the State of Alabama having jurisdiction of Sums unlimited in amount, power to fine & imprison and according to the course of the Common law,
"JOHN STONE of said County aged 64 years resident in said County of Lawrence and State of Alabama who being first duely Sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provision made by the act of Congress of the 18th of March 1818 & 1st May 1820. that he the said JOHN STONE enlisted for & during the war on the __ day of either Jan or Feb 1777 in the State of Pennsylvania in the Company commanded by _____ as Captain name not recollected, the Lieutenant under whom the affiant enlisted was by the name of Henry Bugh in the Regiment commanded by Col. Richard Hampton in the line of the State of Pennsylvania ain the Continental establishment. that he continued to serve in the said corpse until 24th day of March 1781. when he was discharged from said service at Lebanon in the State of Pennsylvania where he furnished a substitute by the name of MICHAEL NICHOLAS who enlisted during the war the discharge of this affiant dated the 24th of Mar 1781 is in the words and figures following to wit: This is to certify that the bearer JOHN STONE late a soldier in the 6th Pennsylvania Regt. has at his own expense engaged and delivered to said Regt. a certain MICHAEL NICHOLAS enlisted for the war in consideration of which the said JOHN STONE is hereby discharged the army of the United States of America. Given at Lebanon the 24th day of Mar 1781. By order of Col. Richard Hampton
W. Finney Capt. Comd 6th Regt
"That he this affiant was in the battle of Brandywine 11 Sep 1777 at which time he was taken prisoner by the British and he remained a prisoner about ten months and he has no evidence now in his possession of his said services except the above discharge and an affidavit made by MATTHIAS HENNNING and VALENTINE SHOUFLER which is hereunto annexed as taken in.
"The State of Pennsylvania in the County of Lebanon before Peter Stryker Justice of the peace and a certificate of the Auditor General dated Feb 8th 1825 which is hereunto annexed marked B and in pursuance of the act 1st May 1820.
"I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 8th day of Mar 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift, sale or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent hereby to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an of Congress entitled an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and Naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary War passed on the 18th day of Aug of Mar 1878 & that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property or securities contract or debts due to me, nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereunto annexed and by me subscribed. the reasons he has not made earlier for a pension are 1st he was eunwilling to make this call upon the country as long as he cold well support himself. and that he has been better able to suport himself until within some short time past than at the present time and he has not until lately had in his possession the affidavit above named and supposed some such proof of service be necessary ~~ the property he has disposed of since 18th March 1818 is the following. A house and lot at $4000 to WILLIAM WEST in payment of a debt owing to said WEST. In the year 1818 month not recollected.
Three negroes sold under a deed of trust to raise $900 for JOSIAH NICHOLS & ROBERT ARMSTRONG, to fray a debt due said NICHOLS and ARMSRONG, for goods. this sale was in 1818, month not recollected, who bought them not recollected.
3rd, To Forty five acres of land sold under deed of trust to WILLIAM GILCHRIST and town lots not exceeding six in the town of Shelbyville, Tennessee, Bedford County, names of purchasers of lots not recollected, those lots were out lots, disposed of under deed of trust for the sum of $2000 and paid to ANDREW IRVINE & sons in payment of a debt for goods in 1818. ~
4th, To the firm of PRITCHETT & SHALL given names not recollected $1600 in discharge of a debt, due for goods, the property sold to raise this money was 245 acres of land in 1818 sold to Mr. BRITTON given name not known.
5th, House and lot in the town of Moulton, Lawrence County, Alabama, sold to JOHN BRAHAM, to pay him a debt due for goods to the amount of $1500 in 1822 ~
6th, Some other articles of small amount have been disposed of to pay debts, under execution in the year 1821, to wit: A little negro girl, and several beds and furniture and other household furniture ~
7th, A schedule of Property now in possession ~
A cow & calf worth $12.00
Kitchen furniture worth 20.00
One old beaureau worth 10.00
One shirt worth 4.00
And a watch 15.00
"He has been engaged in selling goods in a limited way, until he failed in the year 1818 ~ is unable to follow any hard labor, and is some times employed to attend to business for JOHN A. MARRS & JOHN STONE sons-in-law of the affiant, but is unable to follow any constant employment of a profitable nature. The names and number of his family residing with him and his wife MARY about 45 years of age, she is able to some business in cooking and managing about the house, probably enough to support herself. His daughter POLLY TUCKER, aged about 35 years and her son JACKSON TUCKER aged about five years. POLLY TUCKER is sickly and not more than able to earn her own support, and a grandchild the mother which is dead, named EARL BAYLIES, infant two years old.
"Sworn to and declared on the 26th of Sep 1825 in open Court.

Pension Approved

began receiving Revolutionary pension of $8 per month, applied for on 20 Sep 1825, but certificate not issued until 13 Dec 1828, when he had returned to Bedford Co., TN, to be with his children.
A letter in his Pension file in the National Archives reads, "Mr. Irving O. Stone, 750 Oak Street, Chattanooga, TN ~ Dear Sir: The data furnished herein concerning John STONE were obtained from claim for pension, S.39098, based upon his service in the Revolutionary War.
"The date and place of birth of JOHN STONE, and names of his parents were not given.
"JOHN STONE enlisted in Jonestown, Lancaster Co., PA, sometime in Jan or Feb 1777, served as a Pvt. in Col. Richard Humpton's Pennsylvania Regt., was in the battle of Brandywine, where he was wounded, nature of wound not stated, was taken prisoner and held ten months, and was discharged 24 Mar 1781, by W. Finney, Capt. commanding, 6th Pennsylvania Regt.
"He was allowed pension on his application executed 20 Sep 1825, at which time he was aged 64 years, and living in Moulton, Lawrence Co., AL. His pension certificate was not issued until 13 Dec 1828, and he had then returned to Bedford Co., TN, to be with his children.
"In 1825, he referred to his wife MARY, aged about 25 years but did not give her maiden name, or the date of their marriage; to his daugherty, POLLY TUCKER, aged about 35 years, and to POLLY TUCKER's son, JACKSON TUCKER, aged about 5 years; and to a grandson, EARL BAYLIES, aged about 2 years, whose mother was dead, names of EARL BAYLIES' parents not given.
"In 1828, JOHN STONE's daughter, NANCY MARRS and her husband, JOHN A. MARRS, were living in Shelbyville, Bedford Co., TN.
"JOHN STONE, son-in-law of the soldier JOHN STONE, was referred to, the Christian name of his wife was not given.
"The papers on file in this claim contain no further discernible family data.
"In order to obtain the date of the lst payment of this pension, name and address of person aid, and possibly the date of death of JOHN STONE, you should apply to the Comptroller General, General Accounting Office, Records Division, this city, and furnish the following data:
Certificate #20005
Issued 13 Dec 1828
Rate $8.00 per month
Commenced 8 Nov 1828
Acts of 18 Mar 1818 and 1 May 1820
West Tennessee Agency.
Very truly yours,
Executive Assistant
to the Administrator"

Citation details: Page: p. 144, on as Genealogical Records: Early Tennessee Settlers, 1700s-1900s"
7th President of the United States
Andrew Jackson
March 4, 1829
Birth of a grandson
Note: claimed that his Grandmother was a Choctaw who was as black as his hat, per Bill Duff, March 2003
British King
George IV
from January 29, 1820 to June 26, 1830
Birth of a granddaughter
Marriage of a granddaughter
Text:, submitted by Pat M. Mahan

Citation details: Book 3, Page 31
Note: Wilks, Alicy to Rhodes, James on Aug 1833 by Womock, J. B. . JP
Marriage of a granddaughter
Text:, submitted by Pat M. Mah

Citation details: Book 3, page 43
Note: Wilkes, [no name] Amos Jr to Mars, Minerva on 21 Apr 1834 by Carr, John, JP
Marriage of a granddaughter
Citation details: Alabama-EASy, Film# 1025715, Page 17, Vol. 4
British King
William IV
from June 26, 1830 to June 20, 1837
8th President of the United States
Martin Van Buren
March 4, 1837
British Queen
from June 20, 1837 to January 22, 1901
9th President of the United States
William Henry Harrison
March 4, 1841
10th President of the United States
John Tyler
April 4, 1841
1841 (aged 80 years)
Citation details: Part III, p. 2824
Family with Maria Magdalena Seibold
Birth: 1761Berks, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 1841Alabama, USA
Marriage Marriageabout 1779
-8 years
6 years
10 years
Birth: about 1784 23 26 North Carolina, USA
Death: after 1866
Citation details: Part III, p. 2824
Citation details: Vol. 97, p. 194
Citation details: Part III, p. 2824
Citation details: p. 144, on as Genealogical Records: Early Tennessee Settlers, 1700s-1900s"
Citation details: Part III, p. 2824
Pension Application
Citation details: Page: Revolutionary Pension S.39098

applied for Revolutionary pension, "Original Claim ~ District of Alabama. Circuit Court of Lawrence County State of Alabama on the 20th of Sep 1825 personally appeared in open Court being a Court of record for the 4th circuit of the Circuit of the State of Alabama having jurisdiction of Sums unlimited in amount, power to fine & imprison and according to the course of the Common law,
"JOHN STONE of said County aged 64 years resident in said County of Lawrence and State of Alabama who being first duely Sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provision made by the act of Congress of the 18th of March 1818 & 1st May 1820. that he the said JOHN STONE enlisted for & during the war on the __ day of either Jan or Feb 1777 in the State of Pennsylvania in the Company commanded by _____ as Captain name not recollected, the Lieutenant under whom the affiant enlisted was by the name of Henry Bugh in the Regiment commanded by Col. Richard Hampton in the line of the State of Pennsylvania ain the Continental establishment. that he continued to serve in the said corpse until 24th day of March 1781. when he was discharged from said service at Lebanon in the State of Pennsylvania where he furnished a substitute by the name of MICHAEL NICHOLAS who enlisted during the war the discharge of this affiant dated the 24th of Mar 1781 is in the words and figures following to wit: This is to certify that the bearer JOHN STONE late a soldier in the 6th Pennsylvania Regt. has at his own expense engaged and delivered to said Regt. a certain MICHAEL NICHOLAS enlisted for the war in consideration of which the said JOHN STONE is hereby discharged the army of the United States of America. Given at Lebanon the 24th day of Mar 1781. By order of Col. Richard Hampton
W. Finney Capt. Comd 6th Regt
"That he this affiant was in the battle of Brandywine 11 Sep 1777 at which time he was taken prisoner by the British and he remained a prisoner about ten months and he has no evidence now in his possession of his said services except the above discharge and an affidavit made by MATTHIAS HENNNING and VALENTINE SHOUFLER which is hereunto annexed as taken in.
"The State of Pennsylvania in the County of Lebanon before Peter Stryker Justice of the peace and a certificate of the Auditor General dated Feb 8th 1825 which is hereunto annexed marked B and in pursuance of the act 1st May 1820.
"I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 8th day of Mar 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift, sale or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent hereby to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an of Congress entitled an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and Naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary War passed on the 18th day of Aug of Mar 1878 & that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property or securities contract or debts due to me, nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereunto annexed and by me subscribed. the reasons he has not made earlier for a pension are 1st he was eunwilling to make this call upon the country as long as he cold well support himself. and that he has been better able to suport himself until within some short time past than at the present time and he has not until lately had in his possession the affidavit above named and supposed some such proof of service be necessary ~~ the property he has disposed of since 18th March 1818 is the following. A house and lot at $4000 to WILLIAM WEST in payment of a debt owing to said WEST. In the year 1818 month not recollected.
Three negroes sold under a deed of trust to raise $900 for JOSIAH NICHOLS & ROBERT ARMSTRONG, to fray a debt due said NICHOLS and ARMSRONG, for goods. this sale was in 1818, month not recollected, who bought them not recollected.
3rd, To Forty five acres of land sold under deed of trust to WILLIAM GILCHRIST and town lots not exceeding six in the town of Shelbyville, Tennessee, Bedford County, names of purchasers of lots not recollected, those lots were out lots, disposed of under deed of trust for the sum of $2000 and paid to ANDREW IRVINE & sons in payment of a debt for goods in 1818. ~
4th, To the firm of PRITCHETT & SHALL given names not recollected $1600 in discharge of a debt, due for goods, the property sold to raise this money was 245 acres of land in 1818 sold to Mr. BRITTON given name not known.
5th, House and lot in the town of Moulton, Lawrence County, Alabama, sold to JOHN BRAHAM, to pay him a debt due for goods to the amount of $1500 in 1822 ~
6th, Some other articles of small amount have been disposed of to pay debts, under execution in the year 1821, to wit: A little negro girl, and several beds and furniture and other household furniture ~
7th, A schedule of Property now in possession ~
A cow & calf worth $12.00
Kitchen furniture worth 20.00
One old beaureau worth 10.00
One shirt worth 4.00
And a watch 15.00
"He has been engaged in selling goods in a limited way, until he failed in the year 1818 ~ is unable to follow any hard labor, and is some times employed to attend to business for JOHN A. MARRS & JOHN STONE sons-in-law of the affiant, but is unable to follow any constant employment of a profitable nature. The names and number of his family residing with him and his wife MARY about 45 years of age, she is able to some business in cooking and managing about the house, probably enough to support herself. His daughter POLLY TUCKER, aged about 35 years and her son JACKSON TUCKER aged about five years. POLLY TUCKER is sickly and not more than able to earn her own support, and a grandchild the mother which is dead, named EARL BAYLIES, infant two years old.
"Sworn to and declared on the 26th of Sep 1825 in open Court.

Pension Approved

began receiving Revolutionary pension of $8 per month, applied for on 20 Sep 1825, but certificate not issued until 13 Dec 1828, when he had returned to Bedford Co., TN, to be with his children.
A letter in his Pension file in the National Archives reads, "Mr. Irving O. Stone, 750 Oak Street, Chattanooga, TN ~ Dear Sir: The data furnished herein concerning John STONE were obtained from claim for pension, S.39098, based upon his service in the Revolutionary War.
"The date and place of birth of JOHN STONE, and names of his parents were not given.
"JOHN STONE enlisted in Jonestown, Lancaster Co., PA, sometime in Jan or Feb 1777, served as a Pvt. in Col. Richard Humpton's Pennsylvania Regt., was in the battle of Brandywine, where he was wounded, nature of wound not stated, was taken prisoner and held ten months, and was discharged 24 Mar 1781, by W. Finney, Capt. commanding, 6th Pennsylvania Regt.
"He was allowed pension on his application executed 20 Sep 1825, at which time he was aged 64 years, and living in Moulton, Lawrence Co., AL. His pension certificate was not issued until 13 Dec 1828, and he had then returned to Bedford Co., TN, to be with his children.
"In 1825, he referred to his wife MARY, aged about 25 years but did not give her maiden name, or the date of their marriage; to his daugherty, POLLY TUCKER, aged about 35 years, and to POLLY TUCKER's son, JACKSON TUCKER, aged about 5 years; and to a grandson, EARL BAYLIES, aged about 2 years, whose mother was dead, names of EARL BAYLIES' parents not given.
"In 1828, JOHN STONE's daughter, NANCY MARRS and her husband, JOHN A. MARRS, were living in Shelbyville, Bedford Co., TN.
"JOHN STONE, son-in-law of the soldier JOHN STONE, was referred to, the Christian name of his wife was not given.
"The papers on file in this claim contain no further discernible family data.
"In order to obtain the date of the lst payment of this pension, name and address of person aid, and possibly the date of death of JOHN STONE, you should apply to the Comptroller General, General Accounting Office, Records Division, this city, and furnish the following data:
Certificate #20005
Issued 13 Dec 1828
Rate $8.00 per month
Commenced 8 Nov 1828
Acts of 18 Mar 1818 and 1 May 1820
West Tennessee Agency.
Very truly yours,
Executive Assistant
to the Administrator"

Citation details: Page: p. 144, on as Genealogical Records: Early Tennessee Settlers, 1700s-1900s"
Citation details: Part III, p. 2824
Citation details: Revolutionary Pension S.39096

enlisted as Pvt., served in Col. Richard Hampton's Pennsylvania Regt., was wounded in the Battle of Brandywine, taken prisoner and held ten months


discharged by Capt. W. Finney, 6th Pennsylvania Regt.


applied for Revolutionary pension, "Original Claim ~ District of Alabama. Circuit Court of Lawrence County, State of Alabama on the 20th of Sep 1825 personally appeared in open Court being a Court of record for the 4th circuit of the Circuit of the State of Alabama having jurisdiction of Sums unlimited in amount, power to fine & imprison and according to the course of the Common law,
"JOHN STONE of said County aged 64 years resident in said County of Lawrence and State of Alabama who being first duely Sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provision made by the act of Congress of the 18th of March 1818 & 1st May 120. that he the said JOHN STONE enlisted for & during the war on the __ day of either Jan or Feb 1777 in the State of Pennsylvania in the Company commanded by _____ as Captain name not recollected, the Lieutenant under whom the affiant enlisted was by the name of Henry Bugh in the Regiment commanded by Col. Richard Hampton in the line of the State of Pennsylvania ain the Continental establishment. that he continued to serve in the said corpse until 24th day of March 1781. when he was discharged from said service at Lebanon in the State of Pennsylvania where he furnished a substitute by the name of MICHAEL NICHOLAS who enlisted during the war the discharge of this affiant dated the 24th of Mar 1781 is in the words and figures following to wit: This is to certify that the bearer JOHN STONE late a soldier in the 6th Pennsylvania Regt. has at his own expense engaged and delivered to said Regt. a certain MICHAEL NICHOLAS enlisted for the war in consideration of which the said JOHN STONE is hereby discharged the army of the United States of America. Given at Lebanon the 24th day of Mar 1781. By order of Col. Richard Hampton
W. Finney Capt. Comd 6th Regt
"That he this affiant was in the battle of Brandywine 11 Sep 1777 at which time he was taken prisoner by the British and he remained a prisoner about ten months and he has no evidence now in his possession of his said services except the aboe discharge and an affidavit made by MATTHIAS HENNNING and VALENTINE SHOUFLER which is hereunto annexed as taken in.
"The State of Pennsylvania in the County of Lebanon before Peter Stryker Justice of the peace and a certificate of the Auditor General dated Feb 8th 1825 which is hereunto annexed marked B and in pursuance of the act 1st May 1820.
"I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 8th day of Mar 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift sale or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent hereby to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an of Congress entitled an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and Naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary War passed on the 18th day of Aug of Mar 1878 & that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property or securities contract or debts due to me, nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereunto annexed and by me subscribed. the reasons he has not made earlier for a pension are 1st he was eunwilling to make this call upon the country as long as he cold well support himself. and that he has been better able to suport himself until within some short time past than at the present time and he has not until lately had in his possession the affidavit above named and supposed some such proof of service be necessary ~~ the property he has disposed of since 18th March 1818 is the following. A house and lot at $4000 to WILLIAM WEST in payment of a debt owing to said WEST. In the year 1818 month not recollected.
Three negroes sold under a deed of trust to raise $900 for JOSIAH NICHOLS & ROBERT ARMSTRONG, to fray a debt due said NICHOLS and ARMSRONG, for goods. this sale was in 1818, month not recollected, who bought them not recollected.
3rd, To Forty five acres of land sold under deed of trust to WILLIAM GILCHRIST and town lots not exceeding six in the town of Shelbyville, Tennessee, Bedford County, names of purchasers of lots not recollected, those lots were out lots, disposed of under deed of trust for the sum of $2000 and paid to ANDREW IRVINE & sons in payment of a debt for goods in 1818. ~
4th, To the firm of PRITSwitzerlandTT & SHALL given names not recollected $1600 in discharge of a debt, due for goods, the property sold to raise this money was 245 acres of land in 1818 sold to Mr. BRITTON given name not known.
5th, House and lot in the town of Moulton, Lawrence County, Alabama, sold to JOHN BRAHAM, to pay him a debt due for goods to the amount of $1500 in 1822 ~
6th, Some other articles of small amount have been disposed of to pay debts, under execution in the year 1821, to wit: A little negro girl, and several beds and furniture and other household furniture ~
7th, A schedule of Property now in possession ~
A cow & calf worth $12.00
Kitchen furniture worth 20.00
One old beaureau worth 10.00
One shirt worth 4.00
And a watch 15.00
"He has been engated din selling goods in a limited way, until he failed in the year 1818 > is unable to follow any hard labor, and is some times employed to attend to business for JOHN A. MARRS & JOHN STONE sons-in-law of the affiant, but is unable to follow any constant employment of a profitable nature. The names and number of his family residing with him and his wife MARY about 45 years of age, she is able to some business in cooking and managing about the house, probably enough to support herself. His daughter POLLY TUCKER, agaed about 35 years and her son JACKSON TUCKER aged about five years. POLLY TUCKER is sickly and not more than able to earn her own support, and a grandchild the mother which is dead, named EARL BAYLIES, infant two years old.
"Sworn to and declared on the 26th of Sep 1825 in open Court.

Citation details: Revolutionary Pension S.39096

began receiving Revolutionary pension of $8 per month, applied for on 20 Sep 1825, but certificate not issued until 13 Dec 1828, when he had returned to Bedford County, Tennessee, to be with his children. A letter in his Pension file in the National Archives reads, "Mr. Irving O. Stone, 750 Oak Street, Chattanooga, TN ~ Dear Sir: The data furnished herein concerning John STONE were obtained from claim for pension, S.39098, based upon his service in the Revolutionary War.
"The date and place of birth of JOHN STONE, and names of his parents were not given.
"JOHN STONE enlisted in Jonestown, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, sometime in Jan or Feb 1777, served as a Pvt. in Col. Richard Humpton's Pennsylvania Regt., was in the battle of Brandywine, where he was wounded, nature of wound not stated, was taken prisoner and held ten months, and was discharged 24 Mar 1781, by W. Finney, Capt. commanding, 6th Pennsylvania Regt.
"He was allowed pension on his application executed 20 Sep 1825, at which time he was aged 64 years, and living in Moulton, Lawrence County, Alabama. His pension certificate was not issued until 13 Dec 1828, and he had then returned to Bedford County, Tennessee, to be with his children.
"In 1825, he referred to his wife MARY, aged about 25 years but did not give her maiden name, or the date of their marriage; to his daugherty, POLLY TUCKER, aged about 35 years, and to POLLY TUCKER's son, JACKSON TUCKER, aged about 5 years; and to a grandson, EARL BAYLIES, aged about 2 years, whose mother was dead, names of EARL BAYLIES' parents not given.
"In 1828, JOHN STONE's daughter, NANCY MARRS and her husband, JOHN A. MARRS, were living in Shelbyville, Bedford County, Tennessee.
"JOHN STONE, son-in-law of the soldier JOHN STONE, was referred to, the Christian name of his wife was not given.
"The papers on file in this claim contain no further discernible family data.
"In order to obtain the date of the lst payment of this pension, name and address of person aid, and possibly the date of death of JOHN STONE, you should apply to the Comptroller General, General Accounting Office, Records Division, this city, and furnish the following data:
Certificate #20005
Issued 13 Dec 1828
Rate $8.00 per month
Commenced 8 Nov 1828
Acts of 18 Mar 1818 and 1 May 1820
West Tennessee Agency.
Very truly yours,
Executive Assistant
to the Administrator"

Eva E Corner (1875–1898) Rosa Jewel Taylor (1891–1969) Dr. Samuel Stanley Wilks (1906–1964) Marshall Monroe McLean (1839–1905) Herman D. Hitt (1927–1947) Frances M. Corner[s] (1857–1919) Don Allen Ross (1932–1932) William Garrett Newman (1897–1922) Myrl Jean Wilks (1916–2016) Reta Vird Wilks (1911–1994) William Wesley Wilks + Erie Catharine Taylor Aubry LaVaughn Perry (1918–1975) Byron Adelbert Hitt (1900–1972) Perry Alonzo McLean (1911–1999) Rice O. McLean (1841–) Emma Lucile McLean (1894–1902) David N. Goen (1844–1886) Alpha Olevia Moore (1903–1996) Erie Catharine Taylor (1881–1951) Los Charlie Ross (1907–1977) Tommy Dale Corner (1932–1933) Julia Simms (1868–1922) John Banks Hitt (1828–1915) Francis H. Corner (1853–1911) Etta May Hitt (1892–1993) Milton Monroe McLean (1887–1971) Joseph William McLean (1851–1940) Alonzo David McLean (1881–1973) Sarah Wilks (1798–1885) Emma Walter (1875–1956) William Garrett Newman (1849–1915) Ida Phillips (1872–1961) James Eddie Creasy (1891–1972) Perry Alonzo McLean (1911–1999) Robert Brank Jr (1757–1846) Tarlton Jones Taylor (1828–1867) Erie Catharine Taylor (1881–1951) Eliza Ann Knight (1854–1945) Sir Lachlan Mor (magnus) MacLean (1554–1598) Samuel McLean (1775–1850) Mary Rebecca Adams (1868–1914)