Washington County

Washington County
Higher-level shared place
Type of hierarchical relationship: political
Last change
April 13, 202105:50:35
Author of last change: admin
Unique identifier
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
182 6 145 36 Tuesday, April 13, 2021 1:58 AM
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
21 22 183 2 Tuesday, December 18, 2018 10:19 PM
24 19 158 6 Wednesday, December 19, 2018 6:17 PM
Shared places
Shared place Type Place Latitude Longitude Individuals Families
Title Event data? Abbreviation Author Publication Individuals Families Media objects Shared notes Last change
No events of these specific types have occurred at this place.
Samuel Phillips McLean [Sr] (1823–1909) Blake Charles McLean (1915–1994) Sarah Jane McLean (1818–1868) Eliza Ann Knight (1854–1945) Aubry LaVaughn Perry (1918–1975) Martha Ellen Sutton (1877–1962) Myrl Jean Wilks (1916–2016) Eunice Nicy Carlton (1829–1889) 1860 Census for Grayson County, Texas, USA Mary Jane Taylor (1838–1912) 1860 Census for Grayson County, Texas, USA Mary Elizabeth McLean (1872–1938) Charles Jenkins Taylor (1894–1971) George Atlas Newman (1907–1989) Los Charlie Ross (1907–1977) Thomas Jefferson Townsend (1782–1851) William Alfred Ross (1878–1960) Francis H. Corner (1853–1911) John William Taylor MD (1879–1966) Perry Alonzo McLean (1911–1999) Sarah Jane McLean (1829–1904) Emma Walter (1875–1956) Alpha Olevia Moore (1903–1996) Minnie May McLean (1938–1995) Ollie E. McLean (1892–1893) Stephanus Busby (1812–1875) John Marrs Wilks (1835–1915) Mallie Newman (1902–1902) Virginia Catherine Hackworth (1858–1949) 1860 Census Collection for Owen County, Kentucky, USA William Benjamin Corner (1846–1887) Kirby Kimmel Wilks (1922–2012) Los Charlie Ross (1907–1977) 1860 Census for Grayson County, Texas, USA John Casbeer (1806–1877) Earnest Lee McLean (1907–1979) Sarah Priscilla Vance (1780–1847) Catherine Bodkin (Botkin) (1831–1920) James Vance McLean (1854–1944) William Garrett Newman (1897–1922) William R. Newman (1885–1918) Bailey Newman Jr (1825–1884) Edmund Sherman Taylor (1877–1971)