James Newman + Nancy Pruitt

Birth: between 1790 and 1800 28 32 Bedford, Virginia, USA
Death: before 1840Lauderdale, Alabama, USA
Birth: about 1772 27 28 Virginia, USA
Birth: about 1768Goose Creek, Bedford, Virginia, USA
Birth: about 1795

Facts and events

Note: wife's name from Paula Wayland to Doris Ross Johnston, March 2005
Family census
Family residence
Family census
Note: in hh as James Newman with 2 males 0-5, 3 males 5-10, 1 male 30-40 and 1 female 0-5, 1 female 5-10, 2 females 10-15, 2 females 30-40.
Number of children
6 sons, 4 daughters
Note: from Paula Wayland, March 2005, who wrote to Doris Ross Johnston, "Nancy was a widow by the 1840 census. She had 6 boys under 30 and 2 girls under 15 still in her household. Two other girls were already married. . . It seems that all of her oldest children were born in South Carolina. Our ancestor Henry was born in Alabama."
Unique identifier
Last change
April 29, 201020:05:56
Author of last change: barbaracorner
William Garrett Newman (1849–1915) Myrtle Irene Fenter (1918–2003) Perry Alonzo McLean (1911–1999) Edmund Sherman Taylor (1877–1971) Charles William Wilks (1947–1970) Steven Jay Corner (1965–2010) Mote Bourne Kanatzar (1866–1917) Steven Jay Corner (1965–2010) James Edward Reed Jr (1845–1937) Margaret Elizabeth Sloss (1780–1841) Mary Jimmy Newman (1913–2003) Indiana Mildred Woodford (1859–1912) Tarlton Jones Taylor (1828–1867) Julia McBride (1882–1941) Lester V. Taylor (1906–1979) Daniel Louis Hitt (1882–1954) Samuel Phillips McLean Jr (1868–1943) Sarah E. Rainey (1821–1910) Dr. Samuel Stanley Wilks (1906–1964) John William Taylor MD (1879–1966) Minerva Amanda Kanatzar (1841–1907) Sarah Jane Newman (1852–1941) Duckey Thurman Wilks (1881–1919) Eleanor Gertrude Knighton (1855–1888) Jane … (1827–1897) Richard Allen Newman (1880–1972) John P. Wilks (1883–1937) Sheron Kuhn McLean (1940–1980) Julia McLean (1897–1900) Robert Irvine McLean (1832–1896) Moses N. Newman (1845–1932) Mildred Lee Aguaire (1911–1998) Frank Alexander (1834–1917) Aubry LaVaughn Perry (1918–1975) George Atlas Newman (1907–1989) Laquita Mona Wilks (1932–1998) Rice O. McLean (1841–) Linson Spinks Weaver (1887–1942) Ethel Herring (1895–1985) Infant Son Wilks (1871–1871) Frederick A. Hill (1888–1975) Amanda Elizabeth Taylor (1868–1951)