Groom Taylor + Sarah Howard

9 children
Birth: about 1812 29 23
Birth: March 17, 1814 31 26 Owen, Kentucky, USA
Death: September 25, 1883Grant, Kentucky, USA
Birth: March 1818 35 30 Madison, Kentucky, USA
Death: after June 1892Grant, Kentucky, USA
Birth: 1823 40 34 Owen, Kentucky, USA
Birth: January 8, 1824 41 35 Owen, Kentucky, USA
Death: October 10, 1849Kentucky, USA
Birth: about 1830 47 41 Kentucky, USA
Birth: November 3, 1833 51 45 Kentucky, USA
Death: October 15, 1906Owen, Kentucky, USA
Birth: about 1832 49 43 Kentucky, USA
Birth: October 23, 1782 26 30 Madison, Kentucky, USA
Death: November 19, 1846Keefer, Grant, Kentucky, USA
Birth: 1756 22 21 Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
Death: February 3, 1845Madison, Kentucky, USA
Birth: about 1752 35 21 Salem, New Jersey, USA
Death: after March 12, 1784Madison, Kentucky, USA
Birth: January 20, 1788 28 28 Madison, Kentucky, USA
Death: August 4, 1875Kentucky, USA
Birth: about 1760England
Death: 1792
Birth: about 1760
Death: 1835Madison, Kentucky, USA

Facts and events

Note: Consent note for Sarah Howard to marry Groomes Taylor from Hannah Taylor dated October 1, 1811 (Madison Co., KY) ¶ Sir, Pleas to Esue Mr. Grooms Taylor a Lisence to Marry my daughter Sarrah Howard the daughter of James Howard Decest she being of full age and I have agreed for her to marry the said Grooms Taylor. Your Complyance will much obblige yours, -- Signed Hannah Taylor Parent of the above Named Sarah Howard. To the Clarke of Madison County Court Kentucky. Test Ignatieus Howard, Doven Hendon October 1,1811
Family census
Address: Owen County, Kentucky, USA
Citation details: page 325

Taylor, Grooms listed 2 males 5-9; 1 male 15-19; 1 male 40-49; 1 female 0-4; 1 female 5-9; 2 females 10-14; 1 female 15-19, 1 female 40-49.

Quality of data: transcription
Unique identifier
Last change
November 28, 201110:44:02
Author of last change: barbaracorner
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