Robert Brank Jr, 17571846 (aged 89 years)

Robert /Brank/ Jr
Given names
Name suffix
Address: near Table Rock
Citation details: Find A Grave Memorial# 21762301

Created by Lucy Record added Sep. 25, 2007

British King
Citation details: page 1405
Source: McLean Families
Citation details: page 6
Private North Carolina Regiment - American Revolution
about 1780
Citation details: Pension application of Robert Brank S30893

"On the 20th day of August 1832 personally appeared in open court, it being a court of Record held in and for the County aforesaid, Robert Brank aged 75 and a few months upwards who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832. That he entered the service of the U. States under the following named officers and served as hereinafter stated as a volunteer, he entered and served in the Regiment commanded by Colonel Christopher Bateman and was in the company of Captain Leroy Taylor attached to said Regiment. That he engaged for three months and served out the time faithfully.
"Joseph White was his Major, that he resided in the County of Burke in the State of North Carolina when he volunteered as aforesaid. That immediately upon the expiration of his term of service, he again volunteered for the same period of time, under the very same officers, and was marched in the lower parts of North Carolina and in various quarters of the State, and was engaged in frequent skirmishes with the Tories, during the aforesaid period, that he was again discharged regularly but all his discharges are long since lost. That shortly afterwards, he again volunteered for six months under Captain Joseph McDowell and was commanded by General Charles McDowell both of whom lived in the County of Burke in the said State of North Carolina. He does not remember either the name of his Captain or Major. That he was marched and served during the aforesaid six months through various parts of his native State and also in South Carolina, and was engaged in various little skirmishes, but in no great battle.
"That very shortly after the expiration of his period of service, he again volunteered for six months longer under the same officers, and served out the full time. That he afterwards engaged and served as a volunteer with Col. Wetstill Avery [sic, Waightstill Avery] for 30 days, to guard the express to the Valley Towns, for which, as it was a hazardous service, he was promised a credit of a tour of duty. The particular period of his entering the service he does not remember; he rather thinks it was in the early part of the year 1775, and he continued to serve as stated above.
He hereby relinquishes all claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State.
"Sworn to and subscribed the day & year aforesaid.
S/ Robt. Brank
"I Thomas Kennedy of the County of Garrard, do hereby certify that the above applicant and myself have been intimately acquainted since we were boys. That he believes they have never been longer apart from each [other] at any one time then one month since their early acquaintance. That he has a knowledge of all the facts stated by the applicant in the foregoing statement, but the time he volunteered to guard the express to the Valley Towns, but he always understood and has no doubt of it, that he did serve in that particular as set forth. I further certify that he was [an] active, brave soldier.
S/ Thos. Kennedy
"I James Henderson of the County of Garrard do hereby certify that I have been many years acquainted with Robert Brank the applicant, that I have always understood and it is so believed in the neighborhood that he was a soldier of the Revolution, and performed his duty faithfully. I further certify that he is a gentleman of unblemished reputation, and full credit is due to his statement, and further more I certify that General Kennedy the witness is a credible person.
S/ James Henderson"

Note: "he entered the service of the U. States . . . and served as hereinafter stated as a volunteer, he entered and served in the Regiment commanded by Colonel Christopher Bateman and was in the company of Captain Leroy Taylor attached to said Regiment. That he engaged for three months and served out the time faithfully."
Note: "he again volunteered for the same period of time [3 months], under the very same officers, and was marched in the lower parts of North Carolina and in various quarters of the State, and was engaged in frequent skirmishes with the Tories."
Note: "he again volunteered for six months under Captain Joseph McDowell and was commanded by General Charles McDowell . . . That he was marched and served during the aforesaid six months through various parts of his native State and also in South Carolina, and was engaged in various little skirmishes, but in no great battle."
Note: "he again volunteered for six months longer under the same officers, and served out the full time. That he afterwards engaged and served as a volunteer with Col. Wetstill Avery [sic, Waightstill Avery] for 30 days, to guard the express to the Valley Towns, for which, as it was a hazardous service, he was promised a credit of a tour of duty."
Birth of a son
Birth of a daughter
Address: Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
Citation details: Memorial# 5434431-. Added 01 Jul 2010 by KatieMac
Birth of a daughter
Citation details: Memorial# 12645168. Added 10 Dec 2005 by Robert S. Damrell Jr.
1st President of the United States
George Washington
April 30, 1789
Birth of a daughter
Citation details: Memorial# 26436805. Added 27 Apr 2008 by Martin Paterson.
Family residence
Birth of a son
Note: another source gives birth as being August 1, 1790 in Greenville, Munlenberg, Kentucky, USA.
Birth of a daughter
Citation details: Memorial# 12346806. Added 14 Nov 2005 by Mary Coursey.
Death of a son
Birth of a daughter
Address: now Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
British King
George III
from October 25, 1760 to January 29, 1820
2nd President of the United States
John Adams
March 4, 1797
Birth of a son
Marriage of a daughter
Address: Garrard County, Kentucky
Marriage of a daughter
Citation details: Memorial# 12645168. Added 10 Dec 2005 by Robert S. Damrell Jr.
3rd President of the United States
Thomas Jefferson
March 4, 1801
Birth of a grandson
Birth of a son
Death of a son
Birth of a son
Address: Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
Citation details: Memorial# 54344611. Added 01 Jul 2010 by KatieMac.
Marriage of a daughter
Birth of a grandson
Birth of a son
Citation details: Memorial# 12346798. Added 14 Nov 2005 by Mary Coursey
Marriage of a son
Birth of a grandson
Address: Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
Citation details: Memorial# 12645193. Added 10 Dec. 2005 by Robert S. Damrell Jr
Marriage of a daughter
Address: Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
4th President of the United States
James Madison
March 4, 1809
Birth of a grandson
Birth of a grandson
Address: Maury County, Tennessee, USA
Citation details: Memorial# 23784016. Added 06 Jan 2008 by Alton & Loudonia. Maintained by Scott and Priscilla Butler Fraser.
Birth of a granddaughter
Address: Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
Birth of a grandson
Citation details: Memorial# 118365271. Added 08 Oct 2013 by Gloria Beasley Arnold.
Birth of a granddaughter
Address: Maury County, Tennessee, USA
Birth of a granddaughter
Address: Maury County, Tennessee, USA
Birth of a grandson
Address: Maury County, Tennessee, USA
Marriage of a son
Citation details: "Pedigree Resource File," database. Submitted by: jmurphy1100880
5th President of the United States
James Monroe
March 4, 1817
Birth of a granddaughter
Citation details: "Pedigree Resource File" database. Submitter: jmurphy1100880
Birth of a grandson
Citation details: Memorial# 68996973. Added 27 Apr 2011 by Irma Hale. Maintained by Scott and Priscilla Butler Fraser.
Birth of a granddaughter
Citation details: "Pedigree Resource File", database. Submitter: jmurphy1100880
Birth of a grandson
Address: Tennessee, USA
Birth of a grandson
Citation details: "Pedigree Resource File", database. Submitter: jmurphy1100880
Birth of a grandson
Address: Tennessee, USA
Citation details: Memorial# 69560104. Added 09 May 2011 by Irma Hale. Maintained by Scott and Priscilla Butler Fraser
6th President of the United States
John Quincy Adams
March 4, 1825
Birth of a granddaughter
Citation details: "Pedigree Resource File", database. Submitter: jmurphy1100880
Marriage of a son
Birth of a grandson
Citation details: Memorial# 8711396 Added 02 MAY 2004 by Mary Bob McClain
Death of a son
Birth of a grandson
Address: Columbia, Maury County, Tennessee, USA
British King
George IV
from January 29, 1820 to June 26, 1830
7th President of the United States
Andrew Jackson
March 4, 1829
Marriage of a grandson
Address: Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
Birth of a grandson
Address: Maury County, Tennessee, USA
Citation details: Memorial# 25553165. Added 26 May 2008 by Bobbie Christian (inactive) Maintained by Scott & Priscilla Butler Fraser.
Pension Roll
Note: Robert Brank; Garrard County; Private; North Carolina Line; $63.33 Annual Allowance; $189.99 Amount Received; September 3, 1833 Pension Started; Age 77
Marriage of a granddaughter
Address: Maury County, Tennessee, USA
British King
William IV
from June 26, 1830 to June 20, 1837
8th President of the United States
Martin Van Buren
March 4, 1837
Death of a wife
Citation details: Find A grave Memorial # 11358140

Created by Mary Bob McClain
Record added Jul. 15, 2005

Source: McLean Families
Citation details: page 6
Note: According to the historical marker near old Paint Lick Presbyterian Church and Paint Lick Cemetery, "First settlers found Indian signs painted on trees along creek banks and around the nearby salt lick. They gave the settlement the name of “Paint Lick.” Paint Lick Creek marks the border between Madison and Garrard Counties in Kentucky.
Burial of a wife
Cemetery: Old Paint Lick Cemetery
Address: Paint Lick, Garrard County, Kentucky, USA. GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 37.58890, Longitude: -84.44060
Citation details: Memorial # 11358140. Added 15 Jul 2005 by Mary Bob McClain.
Note: tombstone inscription: Margaret wife; of Robert Brank; born December; 26th 1761?; died December; 25th 1837.
9th President of the United States
William Henry Harrison
March 4, 1841
10th President of the United States
John Tyler
April 4, 1841
Death of a daughter
Address: Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
Citation details: Memorial# 5434431-. Added 01 Jul 2010 by KatieMac
Burial of a daughter
Cemetery: Old Paint Lick Cemetery
Address: Paint Lick, Garard County, Kentucky, USA.
Citation details: Memorial# 54344310 Added 01 Jul 2010 by KatieMac
Note: tombstone inscription: Jane Woods; daughter of Robe; rt Brank born Feb; 25th 1781 died July; 26th 1841.
Death of a grandson
Address: Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
Citation details: Memorial# 12645193. Added 10 Dec. 2005 by Robert S. Damrell Jr
Burial of a grandson
Cemetery: Green & Woods Cemetery
Address: Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
Citation details: Memorial# 12645193. Added 10 Dec. 2005 by Robert S. Damrell Jr
Note: tombstone inscription: SOLON H. WOODS; son of James G &; Elizabeth Woods; born June 22, 1808; died November 25th; 1841.
Death of a son
Address: Garrard County, Kentucky, USA
Citation details: Memorial# 54344611. Added 01 Jul 2010 by KatieMac.
Burial of a son
Cemetery: Old Paint Lick Cemetery
Address: Paint Lick, Garrard County, Kentucky, USA.
Citation details: Memorial# 54344611. Added 01 Jul 2010 by KatieMac
Note: tombstone inscription: William G. Brank; born August 15 th; 1803; died May 22 1842
Marriage of a grandson
Marriage of a granddaughter
Citation details: "Pedigree Resource File", database. Submitter: jmurphy1100880
British Queen
from June 20, 1837 to January 22, 1901
11th President of the United States
James K Polk
March 4, 1845
Death of a father
Death of a mother
Citation details: Find A Grave Memorial# 21762301

Created by Lucy
Record added Sep. 25, 2007

Cemetery: Old Paint Lick Cemetery
Address: Paint Lick, Garrard County, Kentucky, USA. GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 37.58890, Longitude: -84.44060
Citation details: Memorial# 21762301. Added 25 Sep 2007 by Lucy
Note: tombstone inscription: Robert Brank; born March 17th; 1757; died April 10th 1846; Forty years an Elder; of paint Lick church.
Family with parents
Marriage Marriage
Robert Brank Jr. Tombstone
Birth: March 17, 1757 Rowan, North Carolina, USA
Death: April 10, 1846Paint Lick, Garrard, Kentucky, USA
Family with Margaret McLean
Robert Brank Jr. Tombstone
Birth: March 17, 1757 Rowan, North Carolina, USA
Death: April 10, 1846Paint Lick, Garrard, Kentucky, USA
Margaret McLean Brank Tombstone
Birth: June 23, 1763 33 21 Tryon, North Carolina, USA
Death: December 25, 1837Paint Lick, Garrard, Kentucky, USA
Marriage MarriageSeptember 25, 1778Morgantown, Burke, North Carolina, USA
2 years
14 months
Birth: February 25, 1781 23 17 Garrard, Kentucky, USA
Death: July 26, 1841Garrard, Kentucky, USA
5 years
Birth: May 22, 1786 29 22 Virginia, USA
Death: January 21, 1857Garrard, Kentucky, USA
4 years
Birth: December 25, 1789 32 26
Death: December 29, 1864Lafayette, Mississippi, USA
19 months
Birth: August 1, 1791 34 28 North Carolina, USA
Death: August 5, 1875Greenville, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USA
4 years
-15 months
8 years
Birth: 1799 41 35
Death: 1827Buncombe, North Carolina, USA
4 years
20 months
Birth: August 15, 1803 46 40 Garrard, Kentucky, USA
Death: May 22, 1842Garrard, Kentucky, USA
3 years
Birth: January 26, 1806 48 42
Death: September 11, 1858Kentucky, USA
Citation details: Find A Grave Memorial# 21762301

Created by Lucy Record added Sep. 25, 2007

Citation details: page 1405
Source: McLean Families
Citation details: page 6
Citation details: Pension application of Robert Brank S30893

"On the 20th day of August 1832 personally appeared in open court, it being a court of Record held in and for the County aforesaid, Robert Brank aged 75 and a few months upwards who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832. That he entered the service of the U. States under the following named officers and served as hereinafter stated as a volunteer, he entered and served in the Regiment commanded by Colonel Christopher Bateman and was in the company of Captain Leroy Taylor attached to said Regiment. That he engaged for three months and served out the time faithfully.
"Joseph White was his Major, that he resided in the County of Burke in the State of North Carolina when he volunteered as aforesaid. That immediately upon the expiration of his term of service, he again volunteered for the same period of time, under the very same officers, and was marched in the lower parts of North Carolina and in various quarters of the State, and was engaged in frequent skirmishes with the Tories, during the aforesaid period, that he was again discharged regularly but all his discharges are long since lost. That shortly afterwards, he again volunteered for six months under Captain Joseph McDowell and was commanded by General Charles McDowell both of whom lived in the County of Burke in the said State of North Carolina. He does not remember either the name of his Captain or Major. That he was marched and served during the aforesaid six months through various parts of his native State and also in South Carolina, and was engaged in various little skirmishes, but in no great battle.
"That very shortly after the expiration of his period of service, he again volunteered for six months longer under the same officers, and served out the full time. That he afterwards engaged and served as a volunteer with Col. Wetstill Avery [sic, Waightstill Avery] for 30 days, to guard the express to the Valley Towns, for which, as it was a hazardous service, he was promised a credit of a tour of duty. The particular period of his entering the service he does not remember; he rather thinks it was in the early part of the year 1775, and he continued to serve as stated above.
He hereby relinquishes all claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State.
"Sworn to and subscribed the day & year aforesaid.
S/ Robt. Brank
"I Thomas Kennedy of the County of Garrard, do hereby certify that the above applicant and myself have been intimately acquainted since we were boys. That he believes they have never been longer apart from each [other] at any one time then one month since their early acquaintance. That he has a knowledge of all the facts stated by the applicant in the foregoing statement, but the time he volunteered to guard the express to the Valley Towns, but he always understood and has no doubt of it, that he did serve in that particular as set forth. I further certify that he was [an] active, brave soldier.
S/ Thos. Kennedy
"I James Henderson of the County of Garrard do hereby certify that I have been many years acquainted with Robert Brank the applicant, that I have always understood and it is so believed in the neighborhood that he was a soldier of the Revolution, and performed his duty faithfully. I further certify that he is a gentleman of unblemished reputation, and full credit is due to his statement, and further more I certify that General Kennedy the witness is a credible person.
S/ James Henderson"

Family residence
Pension Roll
Citation details: Find A Grave Memorial# 21762301

Created by Lucy
Record added Sep. 25, 2007

Citation details: Memorial# 21762301. Added 25 Sep 2007 by Lucy

"he entered the service of the U. States . . . and served as hereinafter stated as a volunteer, he entered and served in the Regiment commanded by Colonel Christopher Bateman and was in the company of Captain Leroy Taylor attached to said Regiment. That he engaged for three months and served out the time faithfully."

"he again volunteered for the same period of time [3 months], under the very same officers, and was marched in the lower parts of North Carolina and in various quarters of the State, and was engaged in frequent skirmishes with the Tories."

"he again volunteered for six months under Captain Joseph McDowell and was commanded by General Charles McDowell . . . That he was marched and served during the aforesaid six months through various parts of his native State and also in South Carolina, and was engaged in various little skirmishes, but in no great battle."

"he again volunteered for six months longer under the same officers, and served out the full time. That he afterwards engaged and served as a volunteer with Col. Wetstill Avery [sic, Waightstill Avery] for 30 days, to guard the express to the Valley Towns, for which, as it was a hazardous service, he was promised a credit of a tour of duty."

Pension Roll

Robert Brank; Garrard County; Private; North Carolina Line; $63.33 Annual Allowance; $189.99 Amount Received; September 3, 1833 Pension Started; Age 77


tombstone inscription: Robert Brank; born March 17th; 1757; died April 10th 1846; Forty years an Elder; of paint Lick church.


Robert applied for a military pension in Paint Lick, Kentucy, 8 Aug 1832

Elizabeth Irvine (1778–1846) William Franklin Newman (1869–1943) James Tate Newman (1951–2001) Cornwell Funeral Homes Obituary - David Dale Wilks Eunice Nicy Carlton (1829–1889) French Augustus Osborne (1894–1951) Robert C. McLean (1845–1847) Thomas Taft Newman (1908–1996) Charles George McLean (1771–1825) Karl Glyn Wilks (1906–1991) Ollie Newman (1875–1949) Florence Elizabeth McLean (1846–1901) Remus Romulus Lycurgus Taylor (1855–1951) Jabez Beard (1790–1854) John Gibbs Raines (1847–1939) Sheron Kuhn McLean (1940–1980) Alney Hurt McLean (1815–1892) Robert C. Wilks (1848–1896) Guy Utha Newman (1900–1969) Francis Elizabeth Blackwell (1872–1918) James Berl Palmer (1927–1982) Sarah Ann Wilks (1866–1905) Asa Hampton Taylor (1877–1944) Karl Glyn Wilks (1906–1991) George Wolfscale Mings (1806–1886) Willie Otto Newman (1902–1985) James Curtis Newman (1905–1997) Edmund Sherman Taylor (1877–1971) Earnest Lee McLean (1907–1979) Elizabeth Margaret Riggs (1853–1891) William Alfred Ross (1878–1960) Mildred Lee Aguaire (1911–1998) Bertha Mae Gammon (1887–1963) Alva Lee Corner (1909–1999) Etta May Hitt (1892–1993) Benjamin Franklin Jeans (1838–1927) Milton Monroe McLean (1887–1971) Mary Martha Jane Moore (1827–1883) Ferdinando San Francisco Taylor (1851–1936) Charles William Wilks (1947–1970) Susan Ellen Hitt (1872–) Steven Jay Corner (1965–2010) Sarah Jane McLean (1846–1902)