Maj. Francis Taylor III, 17341814 (aged 80 years)

Maj. Francis /Taylor/ III
Name prefix
Given names
Name suffix
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Marriage of a brother
Citation details: database: :2903091
Citation details: tabase. Submitter: rkmoser1121442 and rmoser2755531
Note: 1st wife
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Note: probably
British King
Birth of a daughter
Citation details: 2009-09-28

"moved to Rowan Co. NC by 1764, He and Richard Bartleson were Loyalists during the Revoluntio.

Quality of data: primary evidence
Death of a father
Citation details: 2009-09-28
Birth of a daughter
Note: 2nd wife
Note: North Carolina¶ County of Rowan¶ KNOW all me by thefe Prefents, That we Francis Taylor and John Taylor of the County and Province aforefaid, are held and firmly bound to ___ ____ his Heirs and Succeffors, in the juft and full Sum of Fifty (hundred) Pounds Proclamation Money; for the true Payment whereof, we jointly and feverally bind ourfelves, our Hers, Executors, and Adminiftrators, and each of them, firmly by thefe Prefents. Sealed with ur Seals, and dated the 'eighteenth' Day of 'March' Anno Dom, 177'9'.¶ The CONDITION of the above Obligation is fuch, That whereas the above named 'Francis Taylor' hath made Application or a Licence for a Marriage to be celebrated between him and 'Mary Murphy' of the County aforefaid, according to the Direction of an Act of Affembly of the Province, ratified the fourth Day of April, One Thoufand Seven hundred and Forty-one. NOW, if t fhall not appear at any Time hereafter, that there is any lawful Caufe to obftruct the faid Marriage, then this Obligation to be void, otherwife to remain in full Force and Virtue.¶ Signed, Sealed, and Delivered; in the Prefence of: ss Frances Taylor (seal), John Taylor (seal)¶ Wm R Davis
Marriage of a son
Note: 2nd husb
Birth of a grandson
Birth of a grandson
Citation details: Memorial# 102199203. Added 15 Dec 2012 by Bunnygirl.
Marriage of a son
Note: 1st wife, mother of 3 children
Birth of a grandson
Citation details: page 211A
Citation details: Mary E. Taylor Memorial Photos Flowers Edit Share Learn about removing the ads from this memorial... Birth: Dec. 7, 1852 Kentucky, USA Death: Aug. 3, 1855 Kentucky, USA Burial: Bethel Church Cemetery Baldwin Madison County Kentucky, USA Created by: Yvonne~~~ Record added: Feb 21, 2013 Find A Grave Memorial# 105626345
Note: Find a Grave has birth location as Maryland, USA.
Birth of a grandson
Birth of a granddaughter
Birth of a granddaughter
Birth of a grandson
Marriage of a son
Note: or Rowan County, North Carolina; 2nd husband, 2nd wife, sister of his first wife, mother of six Taylor children
Marriage of a daughter
Birth of a granddaughter
1st President of the United States
George Washington
April 30, 1789
Marriage of a son
Citation details: 40769
Marriage of a son
Citation details: 40770
Birth of a grandson
Citation details: Memorial# 94092535. Added 23 Jul 2012 by Linda
Birth of a grandson
Note: or en route to Kentucky from Rowan County, North Carolina, USA. 1798 birth of Benjamin on census in Owen County, Kentucky, age 52 in household of James Howard.
Birth of a granddaughter
Citation details: Memorial# 32390234. Added 24 DEC 2008 by Richard Parker,Maintained by Ronald Kanatzar
Birth of a granddaughter
Birth of a grandson
2nd President of the United States
John Adams
March 4, 1797
Marriage of a grandson
3rd President of the United States
Thomas Jefferson
March 4, 1801
Death of a brother
Citation details: database: :2903091
Marriage of a grandson
Citation details: Page 24
Note: Kentucky Marriages, 1785-1979 lists the groom as Tallon Taylor, page 24.
Marriage of a granddaughter

"Know all men by these presents that we Doving Hendron & John Taylor are held and firmly bound unto James Garrard Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky in just and full sum of fifty pounds Currant money to which Payment will and truly to be mad[e] to the said Governor or his Successors we bind ourselves our heirs Executors & Administrators firmly by ther presents Sealed with our seals and dated this 14 day of September 1803
The Condition of the above Obligation is such that whereas there is a marriage Shortly intended to be had Solemnized between the above bound Doving Hendron & Jane Taylor –both of Madison County if there be no lawfull cause to obstruct the same the the above Obligation to be Void otherwise to remain in full force & Virtue. ss. Doving Hendron ss Jon Taylor. Singed Sealed & Dated In presnece of --- ss John Horhaday ?? "

Citation details: bond
Note: Bond: John Taylor
Birth of a granddaughter
Citation details: Memorial# 49425499. Added 21 FEB 2010 by Ronald Kanatzar
Marriage of a granddaughter
Citation details: Page 75
Note: listed as Gracy Taylor & Edward Dunkin
Birth of a granddaughter
Citation details: Memorial# 16410191. Added 01 NOV 2006 by ctaz (inactive)
4th President of the United States
James Madison
March 4, 1809
Death of a son
Citation details: "Pedigree Resource File", database. Submitter: rkmoser1121442
Marriage of a grandson
Citation details: Page 36
Note: bond: William Perkins
Birth of a granddaughter
Citation details: Memorial# 48423505. Added 21 FEB 2010 by Ronald Kanatzar
Marriage of a grandson
Note: Consent note for Sarah Howard to marry Groomes Taylor from Hannah Taylor dated October 1, 1811 (Madison Co., KY) ¶ Sir, Pleas to Esue Mr. Grooms Taylor a Lisence to Marry my daughter Sarrah Howard the daughter of James Howard Decest she being of full age and I have agreed for her to marry the said Grooms Taylor. Your Complyance will much obblige yours, -- Signed Hannah Taylor Parent of the above Named Sarah Howard. To the Clarke of Madison County Court Kentucky. Test Ignatieus Howard, Doven Hendon October 1,1811
Marriage of a granddaughter
Note: Madison Co., Kentucky Marriage Bonds 1813-1814 recorded on page 489 dated 29 NOV 1813 as Thomas Taylor + Hannah Taylor give consent for daughter Polly Taylor to marry James Howard, witnessed by Edward Duncan+ Robert Mills; bondsman: James Howard and Edward Duncan.
Marriage of a granddaughter
Citation details: 1787-1844, p. 107
Citation details: Page 107
British King
George III
from October 25, 1760 to January 29, 1820
Death of a mother
Note: "Major Francis Taylor a distinguished Revolutionary soldier died Friday 4 Nov. 1814."
Family with parents
Birth: December 14, 1709 49 31 St. James Parish, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
Death: 1764North Carolina, USA
Birth: about 1699 25 29 St. Georges Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Marriage MarriageOctober 6, 1729St. Georges Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
10 months
elder sister
Birth: August 5, 1730 20 31 St. Georges Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
17 months
elder brother
Birth: about 1731 21 32 Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
Death: 1802
23 months
elder sister
Birth: November 16, 1732 22 33 St. Georges Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
4 years
Birth: between 1734 and 1736 26 37 Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
Death: November 4, 1814North Carolina, USA
4 years
younger brother
1737/38 CE
Birth: March 16, 1737/38 CE 28 39 Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
3 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1740 30 41 Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
6 years
younger brother
Mother’s family with Mark Whiteaker
Birth: about 1677Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Death: May 1, 1729St. Georges Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Birth: about 1699 25 29 St. Georges Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Marriage MarriageFebruary 13, 1717St. Georges Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
22 months
Birth: December 8, 1718 41 19 St. Georges Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
2 years
1720/21 CE
Birth: February 8, 1720/21 CE 44 22 St. Georges Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
4 years
Birth: September 30, 1724 47 25 St. Georges Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
23 months
Birth: August 28, 1726 49 27 St. Georges Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Family with Parker
Birth: between 1734 and 1736 26 37 Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
Death: November 4, 1814North Carolina, USA
Marriage Marriageabout 1753Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
1 year
Birth: 1753 19 18 Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
2 years
Birth: about 1754 20 19 Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
2 years
Birth: about 1755 21 20 Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
2 years
Birth: 1756 22 21 Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
Death: February 3, 1845Madison, Kentucky, USA
3 years
Birth: 1758 24 23 Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
Death: March 10, 1809Fayette, Kentucky, USA
5 years
3 years
Family with Mary Murphy
Birth: between 1734 and 1736 26 37 Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA
Death: November 4, 1814North Carolina, USA
Birth: about 1745North Carolina, USA
Marriage MarriageMarch 18, 1779Rowan, North Carolina, USA
Citation details: tabase. Submitter: rkmoser1121442 and rmoser2755531
Citation details: 2009-09-28

"moved to Rowan Co. NC by 1764, He and Richard Bartleson were Loyalists during the Revoluntio.

Quality of data: primary evidence
Citation details: Madison County Kentucky, Book H, Page 210; Book K, Page 584
Citation details: "Pedigree Resource File," database. Submitter: rkmoser1121442 and rmoser2755531
Citation details: 28 Sep 2009 return e-mail to Sue Taylor
Citation details: 28 Sep 2009 return e-mail to Sue Taylor, Cincinnati, OH

1st wife


2nd wife

North Carolina¶ County of Rowan¶ KNOW all me by thefe Prefents, That we Francis Taylor and John Taylor of the County and Province aforefaid, are held and firmly bound to ___ ____ his Heirs and Succeffors, in the juft and full Sum of Fifty (hundred) Pounds Proclamation Money; for the true Payment whereof, we jointly and feverally bind ourfelves, our Hers, Executors, and Adminiftrators, and each of them, firmly by thefe Prefents. Sealed with ur Seals, and dated the 'eighteenth' Day of 'March' Anno Dom, 177'9'.¶ The CONDITION of the above Obligation is fuch, That whereas the above named 'Francis Taylor' hath made Application or a Licence for a Marriage to be celebrated between him and 'Mary Murphy' of the County aforefaid, according to the Direction of an Act of Affembly of the Province, ratified the fourth Day of April, One Thoufand Seven hundred and Forty-one. NOW, if t fhall not appear at any Time hereafter, that there is any lawful Caufe to obftruct the faid Marriage, then this Obligation to be void, otherwife to remain in full Force and Virtue.¶ Signed, Sealed, and Delivered; in the Prefence of: ss Frances Taylor (seal), John Taylor (seal)¶ Wm R Davis


"Major Francis Taylor a distinguished Revolutionary soldier died Friday 4 Nov. 1814."


mentioned in Court Minutes: On Motion of John Dunn Ordered that a road be laid out the Neares & Best way from John HOWARD's Ferry to the road from Bethabara to Salisbury near Reedy Creek, running up from said ferry in the fork to Boon's Road & persons following appointed to lay of said road: John Roberts, Edward Turner, Nicholas White, Edward Williams, Isaac Holdman, Capt. Avinton Felps, Mathew Sparks, Will' Sparks, Francis TAYLOR, Thomas Jones, James Whitaker.


"Loyalists" ~ List of men whose property was threatened with confiscation: Shaderick Roberts, Palsia CORNETSER (Runaway), Natha Roberts, Joseph Jarwood (decd), John Roberts, Joseph Welch (decd), William Roberts, Tom Feagly, Moses Roberts, Hezekire Smith, Henery Wortman, Richard Smith, Mikel Wertman, Francis Self, Rudolph Boo, Tom Breading (Runaway), Jacob Baker, James Jones (Runaway), Richart BARTLESON, John Roberts, Francis TALOR, Francis Roberts (gone to the mounts), John Prater, Josheway Nolin, Shadr Eastub, James Harwood, Thomas Jones, Thomas Nelson, Joseph Jones, Danul Wortman, Thomas Jones, William Roberts (son of Robert), Roburt Foster, John Whitaker, Hezekiah Foster, Stophel Boo, James Whitaker, John Witaker (decd), Richard whitaker (runaway), Stophel Beu (decd), Jiles Whitaker (runaway), Danaiel Beam (Runaway), Anthony Pealor, John Wilcockson, Frederick Pealor, Benjamin Talor (gone), Henery Whitaker, John Sane, Jeorge March, Danul Lewis, Rudolph March (runaway), Leonard Lians, Jacob March (runaway), Alexander Whitaker, Absolem Robirson, George Wilcockson, John Hunder, Hugh Forster, Daniel Hunter (moved), Jacob Walles.
Evidences to the within: Wm. Butler, Joseph Haiden, Obed Smith, Wiet Foard.


Madison County, Kentucky Tax List 1792 - FrancisTaylor, Sr. [III] and Francis Taylor, Jr. [IV]


Madison County, Kentucky Tax List, 1787, Francis Taylor; 1788, Francis Taylor [not proven to be this Francis Taylor]


31 AUG___; Recorded 31 AUG 1811 - "Thomas Tyree of Madison County, Kentucky to Thomas Taylor, son of Francis Taylor of said County and State; $400 for land on waters of Silver Creek, bounded beginning at a beach and white walnut in a line running S 30d W 13 poles, thence 5 E 7 poles, thence S 9 E 18 poles to a dry poplar, thence S 25 W 21 poles down a hollow to a sugar tree to beech in a line of Price Survey, thence up a hollow N 10 E 16 poles, thence N 9 E 38 poles, then N 75 poles E 22 poles to a beach and walnut, thence N 75 E 6 poles, thence N 59 E 28 poles, thence N 18 E 8 poles, thence N 75 E 47 poles, thence 28 NE 38 poles to two white walnuts 75 E, thence up a branch N 68 W 26 poles, thence N 86 W 28 poles S 88 W 48 poles, thence to beginning. Signed Thomas Tyree and Nancy Tyree, their marks. (Same tract of land sold by Thomas Taylor to his son Groom Taylor, recorded Deed Book K 1814-1815 on page 584.)

Citation details: Madison County Kentucky, Book H, Page 210; Book K, Page 584

"Francis TAYLOR was a Tory and was on a list of those called upon to show cause why his property should not be confiscated (1783). Needless to say, he did not receive a grant of land from the state of NC, in 1784 as so many others did. So, Kentucky was the only hope for a new life the TAYLOR family. They must have been fiercely pro-British to name a child Tarleton in 1783. Banaster Tarleton, the "Butcher" was the scourge of the Carolinas. He gave no quarter and ordered his men to shoot Rebels who tried to surrender. (Daniel Boone's in-laws were Tories.)" (Anne B. Willis)

Citation details: "Pedigree Resource File," database. Submitter: rkmoser1121442 and rmoser2755531

"Major Francis Taylor III, born 1734 in Anne Arundel Co., MD, moved to Rowan Co., NC, by 1764. He and Richard Bartleson were Loyalists during the Revolution."

Citation details: 28 Sep 2009 return e-mail to Sue Taylor

"Francis III was son of Francis Taylor II b. 1709 in St. John's Par., Anne Arundel Co., MD; then lived in Baltimore Co., d. 1764 in NC."

Citation details: 28 Sep 2009 return e-mail to Sue Taylor, Cincinnati, OH
Dr. Samuel Stanley Wilks (1906–1964) Marl Vane Wilks (1909–1980) Nancy E. McLean (1828–1828) Steven Jay Corner (1965–2010) Ferdinando San Francisco Taylor (1851–1936) John Casbeer (1806–1877) Jane McLean (1769–1847) John Wesley George Washington Nicholson (1846–1924) Susan Ellen Hitt (1872–) William Wesley Wilks (1884–1946) Peggy Nell Hoover (1931–1996) Valgene Aaron McLean (1940–2008) John Bailey Newman (1878–1969) J. P. Newman (1887–1900) 1850 Census for Ellis County, Texas, USA John Wilks Sr (1734–1806) Narcissus Jane Craig (1847–1934) Francis Marion Quine (1849–1912) David Ralph Archer (1923–1983) Harry Davis Perry (1916–1984) William Thomas Knight (1859–1903) Francis Wilks (1819–1903) Meredith Gentry McLean (1865–1942) Sheron Kuhn McLean (1940–1980) Amos Wilks Jr (1814–1871) Robert Rogers McLean (1882–1952) Robert Irvine McLean (1806–1837) Lester V. Taylor (1906–1979) Daniel Louis Hitt (1882–1954) Rev. Ephraim McLean (1768–1813) Sir Lachlan Mor (magnus) MacLean (1554–1598) Myrl Jean Wilks (1916–2016) Jessie Inez Mayben (1880–1972) Minerva B. Marrs (1817–1906) Wesley Young (1823–1886) Alonzo David McLean (1881–1973) Mima Cater (1870–1918) Lois Elsie Hitt (1913–1965) Francis A. McLean (1833–1835)