Sarah Burcham, 17641826 (aged 62 years)

Sarah /Burcham/
Given names
Married name
Sarah /Wilks/
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a son
1st President of the United States
George Washington
April 30, 1789
Birth of a son
Citation details: Memorial# 20372541. Added 08 Jul 2007 by Owlisnapp
Death of a husband
2nd President of the United States
John Adams
March 4, 1797
Marriage of a son
Citation details: Virginia-EASy, film# 30591, page 241
Note: bond date 8 Jan 1799, Bedford County, Virginia, USA
Birth of a grandson
Birth of a granddaughter
3rd President of the United States
Thomas Jefferson
March 4, 1801
Marriage of a son
Citation details: Virginia-EASy, film# 30591, page 253
Note: Marriage bond: Jun. 11, 1803; Archibald Wilks & Lucy Burnett; Absalom Melton, Surety; Consent of Mabel Brient; Married by Alderson Weeks, June 16, 1803.
Birth of a granddaughter
Birth of a grandson
Birth of a grandson
Citation details: page 756
Birth of a granddaughter
Birth of a grandson
4th President of the United States
James Madison
March 4, 1809
Birth of a granddaughter
Birth of a grandson
Citation details: Memorial# 10395466. Added 29 Jan 2005 by Eldora Sasser

Memorial# 10395466. Added 29 Jan 2005 by Eldora Sasser

Marriage of a son
Note: Richard Dearin, Surety
Birth of a granddaughter
Birth of a grandson
Marriage of a son
Citation details: page 5
Note: [Bond]" Mar. 25, 1815; Peyton Wilks & Anne Dallas, dt John; Archelous Magann, Surety; Married by William Leftwich, March 26, 1815."
Birth of a granddaughter
Citation details: record image
Quality of data: county record image
Birth of a grandson
Citation details: page 14, 15
5th President of the United States
James Monroe
March 4, 1817
Marriage of a grandson
Quality of data: transcription
Citation details: Inventory Book A-1 1818-1822
Note: Alabama Marriages 1816-1957 transcribed the date as being 9 March 1819 [Alabama-EASy, film# 1025715, page 12, vol 1]
Marriage of a granddaughter
Note: listed as Lucy Wilkes and William A. Morison with license being issued 10 Dec 1818
Death of a grandson
Citation details: page 14, 15
Note: in infancy
Birth of a granddaughter
Birth of a grandson
Citation details: page 134
Citation details: Memorial# 6414507. Added 13 May 2002 by Charles Rees. Maintained by Vita Brevis.
British King
George III
from October 25, 1760 to January 29, 1820
Birth of a grandson
Citation details: page 139
Marriage of a son
Marriage of a granddaughter
Note: listed as Elizabeth Wilkes and Harvey A. Wamble, married by J. P. Baker, Justice of Peace
Birth of a grandson
British King
George IV
from January 29, 1820 to June 26, 1830
6th President of the United States
John Quincy Adams
March 4, 1825
1826 (aged 62 years)
Family with Name Unknown Wilks
Birth: about 1761 26 21 Loudoun, Virginia, USA
Death: about 1794Bedford, Virginia, USA
Birth: about 1764Grayson, Virginia, USA
Death: 1826Virginia, USA
Marriage Marriagebefore 1780Virginia, USA
1 year
Birth: about 1780 19 16 Virginia, USA
Death: after August 26, 1830Lauderdale, Alabama, USA
2 years
Birth: about 1781 20 17 Bedford, Virginia, USA
2 years
Birth: 1782 21 18 Montgomery, Virginia, USA
Death: after 1860
3 years
Birth: about 1784 23 20 Virginia, USA
2 years
7 years
Birth: July 16, 1791 30 27 Bedford, Virginia, USA
Death: November 25, 1889Banks, Washington, Oregon, USA

"maiden name may be from about her grandson Peyton saying he saw his uncle Burcham. " Doris Ross Johnston


1820 Southern Dist., Bedford Co., VA as Sally Wilks

Citation details: page 107

My 1st cousin, Doris Ross Brock Johnston's research says, "Name Unknown Son" Wilks was born circa 1761? at Loudoun Co., VA. His wife Sarah is said by a descendant to have been Sarah Bertrum, married before 1780? in VA. Perhaps the source of her maiden name is the uncle Reuben Burchum [Bertram] from whom her son Peyton Wilks purchased a coverlet in Indiana on their way west to Oregon. If this Unknown Son was father of the following six Wilks-Wilkes children [Jesse, Henry, Archibald, Anna, Arhelaus, & Peyton G.], he must've died, leaving Sarah unable to provide for their children, by June 1789 when the first, Archibald, was bound out by the Overseers of the Poor in Bedford Co. Orphans Court to Wilks in-laws and neighbors. Three more were bound out in Dec 1790. Peyton Wilkes, born 1791, was bound out at age seven in 1798. Apprenticeships were a way for children to earn their keep while learning a trade. Matching DNA of a descendant of this Wilks son and a descendant of his brother John Wilks (Jr.) in Texas proves the paternal lineage was Wilks, not the maternal lineage through the wife Sarah Wilks. If she'd had these children out of wedlock, there would have been charges of bastardy filed against her and their father, as seen in the Tidewater region's early records."

Citation details: Wilks - page 9
Perry Alonzo McLean (1911–1999) Reta Vird Wilks (1911–1994) Johnnie Mae Phillips (1904–1975) Ollie E. McLean (1892–1893) French Augustus Osborne (1894–1951) Charles Jenkins Taylor (1894–1971) Martha Adeline McGowan [McCown] (1828–1846) Indiana Mildred Woodford (1859–1912) Elizabeth Irvine (1778–1846) Nellie Lenora Ross (1904–1994) William Wesley Wilks + Erie Catharine Taylor Cordie Exie Meek (1905–2001) William Watkins McLean (1851–1926) Rosa Jewel Taylor (1891–1969) Los Charlie Ross (1907–1977) Samuel Phillips McLean [Sr] (1823–1909) Orville Laughlin (1923–1995) Claude Everett Corner (1894–1935) Ferdinando San Francisco Taylor (1851–1936) Thomas Garrett Newman (1857–1934) Stephanus Busby (1812–1875) Alney Davidson McLean (1853–1854) Opal Kawana Smith (1921–2008) Barney Hitt (1894–1932) Benjamin Carroll Wilks (1827–1919) Charles B. McLean (1804–1883) Sarah Elizabeth Casbeer (1895–1949) Ollie Newman (1875–1949) Marcus Monroe McLean (1872–1934) Myrtle A. Newman (1895–1896) 1860 Census Collection for Owen County, Kentucky, USA Florence Elizabeth McLean (1846–1901) Linson Spinks Weaver (1887–1942) James Tandy Osborne (1862–1891) Bailey Newman Jr (1825–1884) Sarah Wilks (1798–1885) Flossy May Ross (1911–1998) Sarah Ann Wilks (1866–1905) Elizabeth Bailey (1842–1913) Levia Taylor (1879–1970)